Chapter 17

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I woke up sore. I had the worst night sleep of my life. The bed in uncomfortable and I couldn't sleep. My mind wouldn't stop running. It was like never being able to get off a treadmill. My back and legs are really sore. I want to go home. Why did I ever think this was a good idea? I am so dumb. I'm immature, thinking I could leave. I am not meant to leave. Why did I. I don't know. I try to fall back asleep since it is 4:30 the blonde's don't eat till 5:30, then at 6 straight to work, no waiting around.

I close my eyes. I am almost asleep when the alarm goes off. The one that means breakfast their only meal. Hanna opens her eyes suddenly. She walks to change. I have chosen my name, if any one asks. I am Allie Lin. I am inspector from the rich county. People can not know who I am. If they know I am Eva Polan. I will be executed for being in the Factory. I get dressed in a non school uniform. One of the only one's that I have.

Hanna and I walk into the hallway with the rest of the people. We walk through the long hallways to the mess hall. They have way more people in there building, but have a smaller mess hall. For the first time I have noticed how skinny the blonde's are. They are stick thin. Every single one. A guard escorts us to a table. A lot of people are staring at us. The guard asks us what we want to eat. I ask to have what the blonde's have. He looks at me like I am crazy. Hanna explains it is part of our inspection. He tells us to server ourselves.

I get out of the old wooden chair and walk to the line. I grab a tray that I see everyone else get. I walk down the line. An old brown women, drops a small glob of brown mush on my tray. This is all? All for one day. This is not right. A potato sized portion of mush. I don't even know what to call this. It is a muddy brown with little orange chunks. All that I can think of is puke. 

I walk back to the table. People are still staring, but only one sticks out. She is gorgeous. She looks so familiar. She has a piece of paper she is trying to hid. I try to push her out of my mind. I look down to the food in front of me. I use a dirty fork and pick up a small bit.

I taste the mush. It has no taste. I thought it would taste bad. But it has not taste. But the mush has a really weird texture. I scoop up the rest of the food. I think I will ask for lunch, later. But I will feel bad eating while, everyone else is working. Everyone finishes there "food" and turn in their trays. They walk to the Factory room. They will have to work non stop till 9:00. My day doesn't start till 8:30 and I am done by 12:30. But these people work for 15 hours a day. 

I walk through the hallway till I am stopped.

"Eva, please wait." I hear a girl say

I turn around, it's the girl that kept staring. She knows my name.

"Sorry I don't know an Eva, I am Allie."

She stares at me. She knows I am lying.

"Okay, I am not going to tell. You just have to give this to my sister." She says handing me the piece of paper she was holding at breakfast.

"Okay who is this to?" I ask

"Kim." She says "Please I have to go."

Kim. She does look like Kim. A lot. Nicer though. I can't deny her this. She is stuck her. I have to give her a way to talk to her. I have lost a lot. If I had one chance to talk to my parents again I would take it in a heartbeat.

"GRACE!" I hear someone yell

Kim's sister. Turns around with scared. She is shaking so much. I see two guards walk to her.

"You aren't allowed to talk to browns."

I try to say something. Oh no it's okay. It was not important. Really, she just asked a simple question. She gave me something I dropped. I want to protect this girl. She just wants a way to communicate with her sister. One letter, is all it takes. I try to help her. I try to say something.0

It's to late, the bullet already went through her head.

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