Chapter 6: Hope

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A few days passed and Jack was up and moving around a little everyday. On Johns birthday Jackie brought Caroline and him down to Dallas to see Jack.

"Happy birthday John! " Jack said as his son plopped himself on his lap.

"Thank you Daddy, I'm three now and Mummy said that we ight be able to see all the airplanes! " John jumped up and extended his arms and spum around the room in circles.

"John be careful or you'll get hurt. " Jackie warned her son.

"It will be fine Mummy! " John yelled as he continued to spin and then fall to the floor laughing.

"John behave yourself, " Caroline said "Or there will be no planes for you. "
John sat up and crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out at his sister in which she happily returned.

"So John what else will you be doing today? " Maud Shaw asked.

"We're gonna have cake and open presents and sing happy birthday! "

Jack and Jackie laughed. Caroline would be seven in two more days and John was already three. They were growing up faster than Jack and Jackie really expected.

"John show Daddy your plane that Mr. De Gaulle got you. " Jackie said lowering herself to her sons height.

"Oh yeah! Daddy wait untill you see this! " John took off to the car and snatched his plane from the back seat.

"Caroline what do you want for your birthday? " Jackie asked.

"I would like a new porcelain doll to go with the doll house Mr. De Gaulle got for me last year. "

Just then John bursted through the door swooping the plane around the room.

"I think its time for your nap John. " Maud took Johns hand and led him back to the var so he could be taken back to the hotel they were staying at.

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