Chapter 6

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Third person:
They all went to the sled and wooshed off. North took a snowglobe and whispered it's destination then he threw into the air and turned into a portal.

They landed and Tooth told them what to do. "Now you see you have to be quick and precise at the same time. Now you get the tooth and-" but she was cutted off by Bunny. "How about we make this a competition?" "Yea!" said the others except Tooth and Elsa. "No, no wait guys you forgot to-" but they were gone. "What's wrong Tooth?" asked Elsa, "They forgot to leave a coin!" replied Tooth. Elsa chuckled,"Oh dear! We better follow them and tell them!"

They went on the sled and followed everyone telling them to leave coins but they wouldn't listen! "Argh! No one is listening!" yelled Tooth. "Hey I could help!" said Elsa comforting Tooth. Then she made sharp ice all around them to get their attention. Tooth was amazed and told them when you collect the tooth you have to leave coins. "Oh what!" complained Merida, "Now you tell us?" "Well we tried telling you" said Elsa and Tooth in unison while chuckling.

When they collected all the tooth they went back. "What now?" yawned Rapunzel. "Well you guys will go to sleep while we watch the globe," said North. Then they were led to their bedrooms to sleep.

While the guardians watched the globe Pitch saw the perfect oppurtunity to mess with them.

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