Chapter 19 Choices

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Delilah's POV
A couple of hours later we were up before sunrise. I pulled on a pair of loose shorts and headed to the kitchen. I made coffee and breakfast while Daryl went to his place to shower and change. He returned just I was setting breakfast on the table.

Roe woke up when he smelled food and coffee. He walked into the dining room rubbing his eyes. "Mmmmm. Coffee and omelets. Am I dreamin'? It's been too long since ya spoiled me like this Lila girl!"

I snapped him lightly with the dish towel I was holding. "Yeah? Well don't get too used to it ya big lug. I'm only feedin' ya cuz I'm fixin' ta make ya work hard today."

He looked slightly more awake. "Yeah? Whatcha got planned?"

I smiled at Daryl who was hunched over his coffee holding onto it like a lifeline. "Well my darlin'... boyfriend? I dunno if that sounds right... yer not really a boy... but 'manfriend' sounds pretty fuckin' ridiculous... I mean, would ya introduce me as yer girlfriend?"

Daryl grunted. "Doc. 'S too damn early in the mornin' ta keep goin' on 'bout what label ta slap on ya ass. Yer my woman. How's that? Now. Tell the man what the fuck's up today 'fore he goes back ta bed."

Roe slapped the table and guffawed. I scowled at him. "Well y'all sure do know how ta suck the joy outta the mornin'! Alright, well my darlin' 'man' here has kindly consented ta takin' me on a little supply run today. We were hopin' you'd be willin' ta go with us."

Roe shrugged. "Sure. I'm in. Whatcha gonna do with the baby?"

I frowned. "Well I had considered just takin' her in the sling. But she's gettin' ta the age where she gets restless in there unless she's sleepin'. I wonder if Carol would be willin' ta watch her. She offered before."

Daryl nodded and grunted. "Yeah. I'll go ask her. Tobin should be wakin' up ta go ta work 'bout now. Worse comes ta worse, Carol can always take her by Rick's ta play with Lil Ass-Kicker." He headed to the door.

I turned to Roe. "I've never had ta worry about this before. But I need ta see if I can express some milk for Mercy. I grabbed a clean glass from the kitchen and headed to the bedroom. I always had a lot more milk first thing in the morning than any other time of day. Usually as I nursed her on one side I would leak milk from the opposite breast.

I woke the baby enough to get her latched on. I felt my milk let down fairly quickly and held the glass under the other breast to catch the milk that started flowing. I had a couple of ounces in it when the leaking stopped. Mercy finished feeding, and I sat up and started hand expressing into the glass.

Daryl walked into the bedroom. "Carol said she'd be happy ta... Wow! I didn't know you could do that!"

I chuckled. "You just now figurin' out that these things are for makin' milk Dixon?"

He grinned. "Nah, I knew that... I just didn't know ya could squeeze milk out of 'em like that. It's pretty cool."

He sat and watched as I continued. "So... I was wonderin'... that means if I... what would..."

He was so adorable when he got flustered and stammered! "Yes Daryl. If you sucked on my breast, milk would come out."

His eyes widened. "Even though I'm not the baby?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah. My body doesn't know the difference between her mouth and any other mouth... except she doesn't turn me on the way you do."

I finished expressing and sat the almost full glass down. "What's it taste like?" He asked shyly.

I raised my eyebrow. "Ya wanna taste?"

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