Philip x Reader- Lockdown(Modern)

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This idea is not mine in any way the idea stemmed from a real life horror story read by Mr. Nightmare. His channel is pretty amazing and I always get chills from his real life and made up horror stories. I highly suggest checking him out and of course as always I don't own Hamilton. I will be tweaking the idea slightly but I am not that creative I'm just good at slightly tweaking good ideas, I'm good at replication because what's better than the original? And as for the person who experienced this, god damn you kids were brave. There will be almost smut and very dirty things ahead (I'll start writing real smut later) and lots of cursing so beware. Anyways onto the story!

   You finished up the final BCR on the last page of your astronomy quiz. It was pretty easy as was the rest of the class in general. You see the school was built a long time ago with 3 floors in total, a ground level floor, an upper floor, and a basement. Originally the basement was used as like a giant Janitor's closet and used to and still acts as a giant storage room for the drama club's props. You would know considering you were a part of your school's drama club. You weren't President of it or anything, you were the Vice President but you were still as important as anyone else in the club. The President happened to be your loving boyfriend Philip. Of course he would have preferred a writing club or poetry club or some bullshit like that but he joined for you. And he loved being there, he loved it so much that he decided he wanted to run for Drama club President, with you as his Vice President. You two decided(since you started this plan your sophomore year) you would switch roles every year if either of you had won. The plan was successful the first year but the second year some kid named Samuel won the position. It wasn't the worst year the drama club had, he was actually a pretty decent President but most of the club agreed that you and Philip were an effective team. By process of elimination it's clear that this was your Senior year of high school, your drama director and teacher was upset this was your last year with her. She was like a mother to you all and you were going to miss her dearly. But anyways, back to the school. This basement a couple years before had been turned into a hallway with two very large science classrooms being made there. The floor had no speakers or cameras hooked up so it was easy to sneak out of class and hang out in the halls unless the rare occasion a teacher or even worse the Principal was walking down the hall. Because of this no one had a Homebase down there or lockers either. The lights wouldn't turn on down there until 2nd period. The way your school worked was there was 4 classes in the day with 4 rotation schedules. You had 8 classes in total but obviously you only got to see 4 of them in a day. The schedule would also alternate between A and B schedules. Sound confusing? It is. Here's how the days went down:
A straight days: A1, A2, A3, A4
B straight days: B1, B2, B3, B4
A backwards days: A2, A1, A4, A3
B backwards days: B2, B1, B4, B3
It rotated in that order every day with each class being an hour and thirty minutes every day. Think you got that down? Now here's another twist, it was near the end of the school year and you had testing. So now the schedule got fucked up even more with your 3rd period class being 2 hours long. Both the teachers and the students weren't really ready for this change. On this particular day the science teachers in the basement were giving quizzes that took 15 minutes and then kids could do whatever the fuck they wanted for the rest of class. You and Philip would walk there together every day considered his class was the one next to yours. His class showed up first then you had to walk down to the end of the hallway to get to your class. He'd walk all the way down there with you every day so he could get a kiss before he'd have to suffer sitting next to George Eaker for the entire class. It was hell for him but knowing your were in the classroom just next to his made him happy. In front of Philip's class is where the bathrooms were. There was just one large genderless one due to your school being supportive of everyone's life choices. It was one with a lockable door on it, unlike your previous school which had a sort of hallway to walk through to get to the stalls. And finally the drama prop room was just in between the two classrooms. You waited outside your second period class (your B1 Spanish class) waiting for Philip to get there so you two could walk to your Physics classes. You were looking in the direction Philip usually came from when your best friend Theodosia came up behind you and scared you. You yelped and spun around to face her, her laughing her ass off. You pushed her jokingly and laughed. "What up you piece of shit." You asked, "I heard that you have a Physics quiz today." She said, in a weird way. "Yeah..?" You said, nodding. "It's only gonna take like 15 minutes won't it? That just enough time for you and Philip to... y'know." She nudged you with a smirk on her face. You flushed and laughed, pushing her gently. "C'mon Theo I don't want my first time to be in Sweeney Todd's barber chair or whatever." She laughed too then gave you a hug before walking to her math class. You were about to turn around when you felt arms snake around you and hot breath close to your ear. "Guess who." He cooed. You giggled and sighed, relaxing into him. He pulled his head away from your ear then spun you around to face him. "Ready for that quiz?" He asked. You rolled your eyes, "Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the quiz was on colors, we practically don't learn anything in the class." "That means we can sneak out and have more time together." He teased, pulling you close to him. You smiled, lacing your fingers through his and turning, starting on your way to the basement. The two of you walked down and past his class, to yours and you turned back to your boyfriend. "I'll text you when I'm done, meet me in the prop room." You said. He nodded and leaned in, planting his lips on yours. You kissed him back for a few minutes, playing with the mass of hair on his head as he gently ran his hand up and down the small of your back. You parted from him, to his disappointment, then walked into your class. You heard him run back down the hall to make it to his class before the bell rang. You, like always were the last to get there. With the exception of one other person not there and a few empty desks, yours was open and waiting for you. You sat down and was faced with a quiz about none other than Gravity. The easiest concept of the year. You smiled and as soon as the time started you filled in your answers as quickly as possible. Everyone in the classroom finished a couple minutes after you and the teacher collected the quizzes, then turned on a movie and fell asleep. Typical with him. You texted Philip you were done and whispered to your friend to cover you if the teacher woke up. When you got to the prop room Philip wasn't there yet, so you sat in the barber chair your school had used to put on "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" a year ago. The chair was pretty cool as well as pretty comfortable. You had played your favorite character, Mrs. Lovett. Ironically Philip hadn't gotten the part of Todd and had been casted as Anthony (heheheheh) with some blonde girl casted as Johanna. In fact James Madison's son had been casted as Todd, and every time you two sang "A Little Priest" Philip looked like he was going to cut off the boy's hands when he put them on your waist. You were used to guys pretending to love you since you had been in many productions and it didn't phase you too much when Philip and the girl had to act as if they loved each other. Every day after rehearsal Philip held you tighter than usual and always in sight of the girl and Madison's son. It was cute that he was so protective of you. You were delighted to see the door open up and Philip walking in. You got up and walked over, giving him a hug then leaning up and giving him a quick peck on the lips. You lowered back down on your heels but he leaned in to you and pulled you into another kiss. Chuckling, you kissed him back, wrapping your hands around his neck. He leaned into you and held you a little closer, a little tighter than usual. His hands slid down your back and onto your butt. You didn't care too much and started playing with his hair again. Then he gave your butt a little squeeze, this caused you to jump a little. He parted from you and looked down at your flushed face, smiling. His head leaned back in for what you thought was another kiss but his head leaned into your neck as he began to suck and bite on your neck. You were going to tell him to stop if it hadn't felt so good. His hands moved off your butt and onto your hips. He began to walk to forward and sat you down on a table that held a few props, a duster, some fake cigarettes, a fake telephone, etc. You let him do this all, you knew what was happening and you felt ready. He placed his hands firmly on your hips and began to grind into you, you almost let out a moan but he leaned back from your neck and caught your moan in a kiss. He knew if you two didn't want to get caught you were going to have to be a quiet at possible. While the basement was large it wasn't sound proof. You felt so helpless under his touch, you wanted to do something for him, but there was nothing else you could do except let him do what he get when he wanted. You. His hands moved up inside your shirt and began to fumble with your bra. You stopped him when you heard the sound of the announcements coming on above you two. You held your breath as you strained to hear what they were saying. He was disappointed the speakers kinda ruined things for the two of you but he slid his hands out of your shirt and stepped back so you could get off the table. You were still horny as hell and judging by the bulge in his pants he was too. You wanted to get upstairs to see what was going on but he couldn't walk around with this 'problem'. He knew you wanted to go upstairs due to your curious nature but he was also aware he couldn't just go up there like that. "Do uhh you want to go ahead and check things out while I deal with... This?" He motioned towards his boner. You bit your lip, "No no I want you to come with me... I could help." He flushed and smiled, he clearly liked this idea. You walked over to him and kissed him. Placing your hand over the bulge and palming him through his pants. He shuddered and moaned gently. After a moment of this you parted from him and lowered to your knees, unbuttoning his jeans and sliding them down. It sprung up a bit from the tight confines of his jeans and was threatening to tear his underwear. You slid his underwear just over his member, revealing it to you. He looked down at you, his face red and his eyes filled with lust. You wrapped a hand around his member and he jumped and flinched slightly. He was rock hard in your hand. Your hand ran up and down his member slowly a few times. He let out shaky and strained moans, trying to be as quiet as possible. You applied a bit more pressure and began to go faster, your face burning hot. He was moaning a bit louder now which made you a bit nervous so you slowed a bit. He whimpered when you did, you were driving him nuts. "If I do what I'm about to do you can't scream." You said up to him, he smiled and nodded so quickly. You chuckled and looked back down at his member. Your hand grew faster again and he was breathing heavily and moaning out your name as your gently began to take him into your mouth. He was going nuts, cursing, moaning your name, shaking. You slowly took more and more of him into your mouth until you reached the end.  He was gripping onto everything he could so he didn't fall over. You moved your head back and forth, at a slow pace before speeding up, using your hands as well. He panted and his words became slurred after a couple of minutes, he put his hands on your head and death gripped your hair as you went as fast as you could. His dick twitched and pulsed inside your mouth as he finally released, letting out a moan through his tightly clenched teeth. You looked up at him, some of his seed slightly dribbling out one side of your mouth as you tried to swallow as much of it as you could. Licking your lips, you pulled Philip's underwear back over his now flaccid member and buttoning his jeans back up. His face was red and he was sweating, breathing heavily and looked like he had just ran a marathon and received first place. He smiled at you when you stood up and pulled him into a kiss. "Don't think you won't have to return the favor later." You said, placing your hand in his and leading him out of the prop room. As you two walked back down the hall to get to the first floor again he had regained his composure a bit and wiped away his sweat so it didn't look like you just sucked him off in the drama room. You would definitely not look at the room the same way ever again. "How long ago did the announcement even happen?" He asked as you two walked up the stairs. "Not sure but I'm sure it's something important. As you two reached the door to the first floor you noticed that all of the hallway lights were out, along with every door as well. "Shit it must be a lockdown." You said, a sense of dread coming over you. Philip pushed open the door a little and looked around to see if there was any administrators walking down the halls to check if everyone was in their rooms. They couldn't have been, the lights in the hallways typically stayed on during the drills. It must have meant they cut the power. Meaning someone was in the school. You began to sweat as Philip tensed up and shut the door. "What was it?" You asked. Philip didn't respond, grabbing your hand and running back down the stairs as fast as he could pull you without sending you down face first. The two of you noticed that his classroom door was shut, most likely locked and the light was off. Same for you classroom at the end of the hall. For some reason the light was still on in the hallway for the basement. Maybe they forgot? Philip pulled you into the bathroom and into one of the stalls. The doors to the stalls nearly touched the floor but the walls dividing the stalls were raised a significant amount, the right amount to crawl under. You were pressed against Philip in the tiny stall, his muscular figure embracing you from behind in a comforting manor. He leaned into your ear, "I saw someone in the hall." He whispered. His voice echoed through the bathroom before the door to the bathroom slammed open, the room being flooded with light before the door closed once again. You held your breath, feeling Philip tense up behind you as well. He whispered in your ear again, "We can crawl under the stalls and make a run for it." He might as well had been yelling it to you considering it was deathly silent. You heard the footsteps come up to the stall you two were hiding in and start pushing on the locked door. You freaked out and bent down, crawling underneath the stalls as quietly and as quickly as possible. As you made it under each stall you heard banging start on the stall you were originally in. Once you made it out and stood up you waited until Philip made it out and unknowingly ran into you in the pitch black darkness. You felt the wall frantically until you felt a handle and pulled on it as hard and as quickly as you could, running and looking back at the light filled bathroom. Behind Philip running behind you you saw the man there, clear as day. He was tall and thick, with what looked like curly gray and brown hair and a beard. He had to be at the least 40 years old and 6'4 contrary to Philip's 5'9, he wasn't too tall but he was taller than you. You took note of all of these things before reaching Philip's classroom on the other side of the abnormally large hallway. You banged on the door crying for the teacher to let you in and at the same exact time the classroom door opened  you heard the bathroom door swing open and heavy footsteps coming for the classroom. You grabbed Philip's hand and pulled him inside as quick as you could as the teacher shut and locked the door behind her. Both of you were exhausted and panting, with you beginning to tear up and cry. The rest of the class was in the corner of the classroom as petrified as you two were. The teacher was about to question and scold the two of you when the man started banging frantically on the classroom door. You jumped back from the door in panic as the teacher pushed her heavy desk in front of the door with Philip's help. The teacher walked over to the rest of the kids trying to calm them down as Philip pulled you away from the door and held you tightly. He ran his hands up and down your back, whispering 'Everything's going to be ok.' Gently in your ear. After what seemed like an eternity the man gave up and went away from the classroom. The teacher walked over to the two of you and ushered the both of you to sit with the rest of the class as she would call the office to find out what was going on. Philip and you sat down, him pulling you into his lap. He ran his hands up and down your arms and up and down your legs, in an attempt to sooth your sobs and whimpers. He rested his head on your shoulder, feeling his warm breath on your neck. The teacher informed everyone that she hadn't known what was going on because the office refused to tell her. She sat down with everyone else and waited with everyone else for the lockdown to be lifted. After a few hours of chatting and you and Philip letting the teacher know what happened (minus the whole you blowing Philip thing obviously) The teacher hadn't been as mad as you expected her to be and decided she'd let it slide this time considering she liked you and Philip and she did the same with her boyfriend in high school, a figure came to the door and the teacher got a call on her cell phone that it was in fact an administrator coming to usher everyone out of the school. The teacher checked the door to confirm it was an administrator and asked Philip to help her move her desk back to its original spot. She opened the door and the administrator led everyone outside where the police were. You and Philip gave the description of the man as best as you could, both of your descriptions matching up almost exactly, with the exception that Philip had noticed the man had a gun on him. After this the school had increased security for the whole school and installed cameras and a speaker system to the basement. Yours and Philip's homebases were moved down to the rooms so you two settled for hanging out in Homebase and walking to class together. You weren't sure you'd ever sneak out of any class ever again.

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