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Jacks POV

Lia's birthday is in a week and I want to do something special. We've been together for more than one year and I knew something that I wanted to do for her.

I went out to the jewelry store and looked at rings. There were none that were as amazing and beautiful as her , so I went home , got my computer and looked online.

I found the perfect one. It was a lot of money , but it was worth it. She was worth a lot to me. I was going to pay for it tomorrow. As soon as I shut my computer , I heard Lia come downstairs.

"Hi beautiful."

"Hello handsome."

I got up , walked up behind her and hugged her waist and put my head on the back of her shoulder. She smiled at me and turned so she was facing me. I still had my arms wrapped around her waist , so she put her hands on my shoulders and pecked me on the lips.

We just stood there for a minute until I got a call from jack. I sighed and answered it.
j- johnson

j-hey g
g-yo what's up
j-well , i don't know if anyone told you , but we are going on tour again , and we have to leave tomorrow
g-nooo what the fuck
j-I know
g-I can't go I won't.
j-dude you can't just not go were headlining the tour
g-they can find someone else to headline
j- I tried. Just be at the airport at 8

end of phone call.


I just got so stressed and Lia looked at me , came up and hugged me. She said ,

"It'll be okay. I promise."

She always knows how to make me feel better.

The next day

When I woke up , Lia wasn't there. I figured she was running errands. I walked downstairs and I got a text from her saying she had errands , like I said.

I got ready , ate , then got in the car. When I walked into the airport , everything was normal. But when I got to the baggage claim everything changed...

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