Lin Lin

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BEEEP! The race had begun. I started paddling as hard as I could. I watched as my competitors started to fall behind. My pink floaty was slowing me down, but nothing I couldn't handle. I was still going faster than my dad, he was suppose to be my partner and pushing me. Sadly he was still pretty slow. I started reaching out to the wall, "YOU'RE ALMOST THERE!" my head was screaming, adrenaline pumping. SMACK! My hand hit the wall. THUD! My dad caught up. We won!

The first relay of the forth of July pool party and we won! Through at the day my dad and I won it all. Silly dove contests, the penny dive, the noodle wack, find the bubble gum, you name it, we won it. Each time we won we got an awesome prize. We got glasses, necklaces, tattoos, candy, ducks, glow sticks etc. Best day ever.

We soon went home. I was so tired. I dragged myself to the fridge and started inhaling the watermelon. It was so sweet and cold. Soon I had eaten the whole thing. I didn't even bother changing out of my swimsuit or put anything over it. I just sat there, staring at the empty shell of the melon.

"Summer, why don't yo go over and show your cousins all the cool stuff you won! Let them see what they missed." My mom said. She was a little bummed that our cousins didnt come to the pool party. She sat alone for most of it, since my dad and I were competing. I could tell she really want Aunt Tina there with her to keep company.

Thus I, a thirteen year old mischievous blonde in a swim suit ran next door. My head full of fantasys of how jealous my cousins will be at all the fun they missed. I was excited. I was thrilled. My heart was leaping and bounding a head of me as I crashed on to my cousins back deck. I leaped unto the center of their porch and froze.

My cousins were eating dinner just inside their sliding glass door, but they weren't alone. I could feel my whole badg turn redder than the sun burn I already had. I was suddenly aware of every inch of skin my swimsuit wasn't covering. The corners of my smile moved closer to eachother to from an "o" shape. These strangers at my cousin's table must've been the new neighbors from around the street. Crap.

"Hey cuz, wanna come in?" Annie said looking sly. "We were just talking about you."

"Ummmmmmmmmm.... Sure." I walked in with my swimsuit and all my prizes. "Why were y'all talking about me?"

Annie snorted and replied, "My friend, Lin Lin here was asking if there were any other girls around that were our age."

"Oh..." I automatically thought of all the things my cousin could possibly say when I noticed there was a 14 year old boy at the table across from his 12 year old sister, Lin Lin. Crap.

Annie continued, "You're gonna laugh when I tell you this. I told her I had one crazy cousin who lived right next door, right as you jumped up!" Way to go cousin.

I mutted my apologies for interrupting and stumbled back home. I summarized in my head what just happened.

I met a new family, in my swimsuit while they were eating. I am sure that 14 year old boy didn't mind.

To this day, the girl Lin Lin is my best friend. When I met her again, I had cloths on. We seem to always know what the other is thinking, and I am amazed we haven't blown up more things. (That story is classified) Do we get in trouble together? Nope. We usually get away with it.


HELLO ALL YOU LOVELY PEOPLE!!! I enjoyed sharing this story with y'all! Please comment and vote. I love hearing from all of you and HELPFUL critiques are appreciated. THANK YOU! <3

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