Who am I

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Alec P.O.V.
  When Magnus ask me if I was gay I did not know what to do so I ran home.I made my way to the house and slam the door shut ran to my bedroom."What the hell Alec" I heard Izzy saying when I ran to my room."Let me in now Alec" Izzy said."No go away Izzy" I replied."Hell no I am not going away until you tell me what is wrong" she replied."Nothing is wrong Izzy" I said."Don't lie to me Alec I am your twin and I can tell something is wrong" she replied.I gave up because I know Izzy will not leave me along.I open the door to let her in."So talk to me brother" she said."Magnus ask me if I was gay" I replied looking down at the ground."So what did you say?" she asked."I ran from his house and do you know Izzy?" I replied."Know that you are gay? Alec sweet brother of mine you have been in love with Magnus seen 12 years old" she replied."How did you know?" I asked."Please I am your twin sister silly" she replied laughing."So you are not mad?" I asked."Of course not brother I will always be here for you.But I think you need to admit that you are gay." she said."I am gay Izzy" I replied."Feel better now" she asked."Much better thank you Izzy" I replied."Welcome Alec" she replied hugging me."Well I got to go to bed now" she said walking out for my room."Goodnight Izzy" I said."Goodnight Alec see you in the morning." she replied.
*2 weeks later*
"Izzy I don't want to go to the party" I said."Alec you are going now get ready" she replied."Fine" I said.I don't want to go to party because I have not really been talking to Magnus here lately.I started getting dress."Ok let's go" Izzy said.We arrive at party and walk in and saw everybody.Then I saw Magnus and he was looking  sexy and his black skinny jeans and blue button shirt with some buttons left undone showing his tan chest."Hello Alec, How are you doing?" Magnus asked."I am fine, What about you?" I replied."Good now seen you are here" he replied."Look Magnus I know I have not talk you that much seen you ask me if I was gay, I am sorry about that" I said."Alexander it is fine, I am sorry that I ask that question" he replied."Are we back has friends because I do not want to loose you as friend Alec" he asked."Magnus you will never loose me as a friend" I replied."That is so good because this last two weeks has been hard on me not knowing" he replied."Me to Magnus" I replied smiling at him."So who wants to play game?" Camlia asked. Everybody answers sure why not."What game?" Izzy asked."Well you will spin bottle who it lead on, who will taking them in the room for 7 minutes in heaven" she replied. "Alec can go first" she said.So we sit down and a circle and I prayed that it will not land on Magnus has I spin the bottle.

Author's note:
Find out who the bottle will land on in the next chapter

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