nº0. the bygones

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You always read the love stories about the ones who end up together. The stories that follow the heartbreak of those who are going to be together forever and always end up with a happy ending. The tale that alters your view on the world and how you perceive it. Your dream high school experience. Yeah, well sure this is a book about these stories; more so, about the people they started off with, the ones who didn't get their "one".  

In the beginning there is the one. The one that "isn't like the others" and is "different" the one that doesn't know their worth, or notice their effect on others. That is, until they find the one they're meant to be with. Through the heartbreak and the new beginnings, they overcome obstacles together, they set the boundaries of their relationship et eventually, leave all of those from their past behind. 

We are the stories of the past, the ones they never wanted, the ones the came between the destined couple, the ones who brought them closer. We aren't the ones who got the girl or guy, we never got the happy ending. We're the people you hated, the people that made you question if they were going to last. We're the guys and girls who made you angry, who got you riled up and made you fight harder for the happy ending. 

We are the bygones, and the ones that came in first but ended up in last.

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