nº1. the jock

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He knew he treated her wrong. That keeping her as a trophy would never actually keep her around. But he also knew she would always somehow be there for him. . .  until she wasn't.

The Jock had known The Girl since he was little, it was his mom's best friends daughter. She was always awkward and nerdy, different from the other girls. She liked to watch sports, never played them, and she was always his best friend... until The Boy came along

He stole her from right underneath The Jock's nose with his justification and pride, The Boy treated her as an equal rather than just an object. The Jock had never thought of the day when The Girl wouldn't be around, when he would have to fend for himself and not have anyone to randomly hug at night.

The Girl knew everything there is to know about him and now The Jock had to come to terms with what life was like without her. She was with The Boy all the time, The Jock became jealous, because that was his girl the one he would marry, the one who would be beside him on the nights his football team won and when he was alone all he had to do was call her. No longer were they best friends, they weren't the couple everyone wanted to become, and they sure as hell wouldn't talk again until he grew a pair and confessed his "love" for her in the middle of the school.

"Please, listen to me." The Jock said to The Girl in the middle of lunch, they were in the middle of their small hallway, right by the locker they shared when they were in 9th grade. "What? What could you possibly have to say to me?" The Girl gave him the look that was purely reserved for her younger siblings, the one that told them to back off and go away. He loved that look when they were together but now not so much, not when it was directed at him. "I'm sorry," She scoffed in his face, rolling her eyes. The old Girl  wouldn't have done that to him, she would at looked at him with sadness but now, The Girl has power in her voice and venom in her words, The Girl is stronger and she is brighter. This girl  isn't who he had known for so long, she is someone different, and he liked this different as much as it pained him to. 

"I guess it is true you only notice what you had when you don't have it any more." She sighed, looking down at her shoes and back up at him, tears in her eyes. He thought back to when she broke up with him, and all the words he had thrown her way. She told him she couldn't be with someone who saw her as lesser and who only needed her when convenient. He told The Girl that she was screwing The Boy and that he should have never trusted her. That The Girl had been nothing but a shoulder to cry on and a good lay every once in a while. The Jock told her he had girls lining up, all of them being far better than her. He knew they were wrong, but what she had done to him was worse- in his eyes at least.

"We had been together since we were 10, we had shared the same bed since diapers and we had good relationships with the other's parents and I guess I got caught up in all of that, I was comfortable and thought you would never leave."

"Stop it!" The Girl said, out of breath, "I wasted my time, thinking and believing that we would be together forever. You toyed with me, you consumed me and made me think that I would always be the last person in your mind, but never the only person. I can't be near you without my skin crawling and my lungs aching. You treated me like a bed, only meant for comfort and rest, only needed at night and barely cherished. I felt like I was something you remembered having, that you forgot about me until convenient, or until you were horny."

And as she spoke, ranting on and on he noticed how much he had suffocated her. How he had neglected her during school, or maybe when he only wanted her when he needed her. He noticed how much The Girl grew and how she looked fresh, and happy. She was filled with colours, and he had never noticed. Her big eyes squinting, yelling at him but right all the same, her red lips letting harsh words flow. Her skin blushing in anger and her eyebrows dark and furrowed at him. 

He is The Jock that starts off every story, the one readers only hear about when he is being a dick. He is The Jock who flirts with The Boy's girl, the one who realizes what he did wrong and never fixes it. He is The Jock, only he is human too, and capable of loving in a wrong way. 

He is our first Bygone.

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