☁︎ Banana Split

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"Sometimes, he's just so dense!" You shout, your hands running through your hair as you roll around on the floor of your bedroom.

"I know, I know. My brother can be such a twat sometimes.." Rin sighs, sitting down onto your bed and laying her back against the mattress.

"I've been flirting with him for the past month! When will he realize that I like him!? He's the player type, shouldn't he have already realized that by now!? Or is he ignoring me just to make me jealous and more upset? AAAAAAGH I swear I'm going to smack that little smirk off his face the next time I see him!" You shout, continuing your rolling across the floor, heck you might even be rolling faster because of how frustrated you are.

"More like, kiss the smirk off of him."


"(F/N), you've been saying that for the past month."

"I know.. " you sniffled, stopping your mini tantrum and sitting up on the floor, rubbing your eyes with your hands.

"This is just another case of the whole senpai notice me scenario." Run looked at you, a large smirk plastered onto her face as she sat up and played with her bow.

"Excuse me Ms Kagamine, how would you like it if I exposed your feelings to Mikou?"

"D- Don't do that!"

"eXACTLY! And you Ms little orange, are going to watch me win  over the love of my life!" You shouted, standing up and marching out of your room without no warning.

The next day, after school & club activities

"Len.. can I talk to you?"
You spoke quietly, the two of you were standing alone in an empty hallway on the way out of the building of the school. You were quite nervous, twiddling with your thumbs and looking down at the ground.  An obvious blush was also copy & pasted straight onto your face.

"Yeah, what is it?" The male kagamine asked, stoping in his tracks to turn around and look at your flustered figure.
What a cutie.

You took a deep breath, then grabbed the male's wrist and slapped it against the wall, pinning him there. "What in the actual heck, man!" You shouted up at the blonde, his Electric blue eyes stared back at you with surprise.

"Are you really that dense? Can you really not see what my feelings are towards you!? Flirting isn't my forte, and I don't consider myself good at it either!" You shout, trying your best not to spit in his face. "What are you doing, Kagamine! Are you having fun laying back and watching me suffer? It wasn't fun having to look up all of those pick up lines on google because I'm not that talented to come up with my own! Darn it, KAGAMINE!" You angrily rested your head onto the male's chest, banging your forehead against it like it was a wall.

"What are you, a female dominant? That's kinky, (F/N)~" The male chuckles, placing a hand around your waist.

"L- Len, that's inappropriate!" You shout, looking up at the male.

"Yeah, you'll think differently after a couple months."

"Len.." You pouted, puffing your cheeks angrily.

"I know, I know.." Len chuckles once again, holding your hand and walking you out of the building of the school. "How about I walk you home? We can get some ice cream on the way back."

"Sure, that sounds nice.." you nodded, a small smile on your face.

After a couple minutes of walking in silence, you both arrived at the small ice cream parlor. Len bought you (F/IC/F) and got himself some a Banana sundae to go. After wandering around, the two of you eventually reached the park near both of your homes. Because it was sundown, it was empty so the two of you could sit down at a park bench and be easily undisturbed by the crying sounds of bullied children.

"Aww.. why didn't I get something as fancy as a sundae?" You whined, finishing up your small bowl of ice cream.

"What, do you want some? I really only wanted it because of the banana."

"Maybe.." you answered, the empty bowl now sitting in your lap as you turned your head to the side.

Len chuckled, "Here, open up." He says, holding a spoonful of ice cream towards your face.

"Are you sure?" You asked, turning your head towards him, seeing the spoon full of ice cream.

"What, do you want me to feed it to you with my mouth? Because I can do that." Len said with a chuckle, moving closer to you and grabbing your hand, showing the spoonful into his mouth and leaning his face in towards yours.

"N- NN- N- NO- NOO- NNNN- NOPE! NN-NNN- NoT YET KAGAMINE!" You shouted, trying to get his face away from yours.

"Aww.." Len then swallowed the ice cream, "but I've always wondered what it was like to kiss you. Especially if it were French." He says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Len.. I love you, but not now okay.."

"And so she finally admits it."

"A- Wait, what? What did I say? Wait, I said something stupid, Didn't I? Oh-- I'm so sorry Len.."

"Hey, look. It's alright, (F/N). " Len says calmly, squeezing your hand gently. "I love you too. It's just fun watching you flirt with me and be upset over me not noticing it, so I just decided to tease you a bit." He says, placing a hand onto your cheek and looking into your (e/c) eyes.

"You're such a twat."

"I know."

And with that, you angrily pull thar stupid flirtatious blonde in for a kiss.

If he's wanted to kiss you for a while, then he'd be okay with it.
Or was that his playboy side showing?

If he was tricking you or not, you didn't care. The person you loved was kissing you, and he even managed to kiss you back.

Your hands were entangled in his shiny blonde hair, his hands tightly wrapped around your waist.

Pulling away from the kiss, Len planted butterfly kisses down one side of your neck.

"L- Len, not in the open, please."

"Aww, are you scared?"

You nodded, your face bright red as you hid it in his chest, hugging the male tightly.

He chuckles, picking you up and throwing your trash in the garbage.

"Well then, let's find a good place to continue, love. I'd like to see some of your dominance."


Hello children.
I am Loreno, here migrating from the account LorenoSan over to this here account by the name of @lattowne .

Yes, I love Len and he is precious so I'll be writing mini drabbles for you children.

Also I'm going to be writing up some Voltron garbage on here.

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