☁︎ Moon Girl

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Female Reader

Every night, like the cheesy type of person you were, you'd always look up at the stars and maybe wish for a few things. You never really expected them to become true of course, but there was a little part of you that did hope that your wish would come true.

Even though you basically knew nothing about the stars, constellations, and how they function, you still took it upon yourself to watch the stars a few times each week. To you, they were like a symbol of peace, and hope.

Sometimes you'd even talk to yourself while looking at them.

"(F/N)!" Your overly drunken mom yelled at you through the glass doors of your balcony, grabbing one of your expensive anime figures and waving it around. "Get back over here and finish your chores! And then afterwords you're going out and getting me more alcohol!" She shouts angrily, swinging the figure in the air.

You did indeed worry about the state of your figure, but you really didn't want to deal with her at the moment. Ever sense your father died, your mom has been on edge ever sense. She married into this super rich family and her husband only married her for her body, and so that one of his siblings kids could marry you.

He was always talking about garbage like that and it was annoying.

"(F/N)!" Your mother shouted once again, throwing your beloved figure at the glass door, shattering it into pieces. "LISTEN TO YOUR MOM AND DO AS YOUR TOLD!"

"Y- Yes mom.." you nod, turning around and looking at her.
Your mother angrily stepped off and out of your room, it helped to hear the fading of her footsteps.

Looking down, you noticed that the figure of (Favorite Character) was broken into pieces. Once you picked up the figurine, you felt a something trail down your cheek. Placing a finger on it, you noticed that it was blood. Sighing, you picked up the figurine and gently set it back into your desk. With tears forming in your eyes because of how much you hated your new rich life, you wiped up the blood with your long sleeved shirt and made your way down to the alcohol storage room.

You had no idea why your mom made you do chores when her garbage husband, Brent and everyone in the rest of his family has servants.

You live with a rich family now; why couldn't you live a happy life?

Because money doesn't grant happiness.

Sighing you opened the door to the school storage room. Looking at all of the bottles of liquor, you quickly noticed the long line of your mother's favorite. Picking it up, you examined the bottle. Then, you quickly turned and headed for the exit, leaving the room and shutting the door.

"What's a young girl like you doing with a bottle of alcohol?"

You squeaked, hearing the voice of one of the serpents surprised you and almost made you drop the bottle. Although, you surprisingly managed to catch it before you made a mess and made your mom even mor mad.

"S- Sorry.. I- It's just that.." you speak nervously, looking away from the man.

"Oh wait.. You're (Mother's name)'s daughter.. No?" The tall man stopped sweeping and looked at you, raising a brow.

You nodded.

"Oh, hello. It's nice to finally meet you. You've been here for almost a year now, how could I not have met you already?"

"W- Well.. I usually stay up on the top floors.."

"Of course, I've heard from the sergeants up there that you really like the constellations, correct?"

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