☁︎ Colored ties

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Moon Girl Part 2

Within the first two weeks of your new servant life you had begun to get the early mornings and late nights.

You had taken over Len's job, which meant that you were to do the dusting of large and tall objects, serving your parents and step brothers snacks, teas, and other stuff, as well as taking some of Kaito's duties so he could tend to the outside chores.

Once Len had come home from the hospital, his main duty was to sit at a desk in the library and take 3 hours or more to fill out any kind of paperwork. Once he was done with his duties, he was to rest in the servants chambers.

During your time as a servant, you noticed that Gakupo brought his stack of paperworks to Len's desk in the library each day at 11 am. And at each day between 11:30-Noon, Len would come to the library to work on his stack of papers.

You were always dusting the books when Len would hop in, and it would always take him a while because of his crutches.
And then, the two of you were to work in silence.

However today you wanted it to be different.

Deciding to dust the bottom shelves first, you thought it was a good opportunity to rush over and open the door for the injured male. And that's exactly what you did.

Hearing the doorknob click, be thrown open and a grunt quickly following afterwards (because len had just gotten smacked in the face by the door), you rushed over to help.

"Here! Let me get that for you." You spoke, running over to the Library's entrance and holding the door open for him.

"Ah, thank you." The male spoke with a chuckle and beginning to make his way to his desk as you shut the door quietly. "Do you think you can move the chair?"

"Yes, of course." You smiled, walking in front of him to move the chair so he could easily sit himself down. Once he was seated, you pushed him in towards the desk.

"Thank you."

And with that, you got back to your quiet work.  Which kind of made you upset that it was so quiet. You were already great friends with the others, why is it so hard to befriend this one?

"Miss, Can you get the door again for me?"

You look over at where the voice was coming from, noticing that it was Len.

"Of course." You smile and nod, carefully moving down the ladder and setting the dusting tool off to the side. Walking over to the door, you turn the knob and open it.

"Do you think you can walk me to the servant's room? I don't know if anyone's there to open the for for me." Len asks, chuckling softly.

"Yes, of course." You smile, closing the door behind you once you both had left the library.

The way back was silent, and quite awkward.

"A black tie, huh? What's the reasoning for that?"

"Well.." you chuckled lightly, looking away in embarrassment. "For starters, its the only kind of tie I have.. and well, it's a color, and in that case it can have tons of different meanings. For example it could mean power, mystery, professional.. but to me, it helps me boost confidence. But at the same time, it shows my sad life here. Sorry, that got depressing really fast." You gave the male a weak smile, opening the door to the servant's room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2017 ⏰

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