" What?... "

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(new update again... trying to be more active in my RP also please tag me when I don't reply in two hours)

Name : kirikó

Age : 15

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Bi

Personality : Silent , shy , cold , mean , insane and crazy.

Likes : Death , killing people , ect

Dislike : Seeing people mess up her work (killing spree) , being ties up to a chair behind a desk (she was killed that way) and working with someone on a killing spree from time to time

Turn on/off : (virgin)

Other : I'm to lazy to write more but she is very Innocent when it comes to 'fun' and teasing .... Just like miniko. She also had a little brother but he was killed by three men from a gang in there old village.

Master or slave : 

(Kinda both but mostly master)

Scenario :

1) (Make it up)

Master and Slave Rp «CLOSED»Where stories live. Discover now