//Rythna// (Part 2)

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Rythian saw a patch of fluffy brown hair in the corner of the window. Sjin.


As he went back to looking at Duncan, he could see the end of an arrow.

"No..." He whispered. "No! No, no, no!" He pushed past Duncan and smashed the window to pull Sjin into the castle by his hair.

"You bearded bastard!" He spat throwing him across the room. He ran to his sword and pinned Sjin against the wall. "I don't care if you love me too, I don't want to hear it! I don't care what you say... I'm done."

And with one swift movement, the sword sliced through his neck, and Sjins body collapsed to the ground. Then moments later Duncan collapsed as well.

"No Duncan, no. You can't die. Not now. Not ever. You saved me last time..." He paused. "Now it's time for me to save you." He picked Duncan up and flew of too his castle. (This is before the nuke)

==#Time skipz#==

"Duncan... I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way about me... If I did... I probably would have stopped everything a while ago... like you said." Rythian sat next to Duncan's bed, talking to him almost everyday. But today was his birthday, so he had to go out with his friends.

"Zoey... We're all going out to the Captive Creeper tonight," Rythian informed Zoey.

"So I'll see you there later?" Zoey replied from the other room.


==#Time skip again#==

The night was full of laughing, old memories, celebrating, jokes and drinking. That all got interuppted when Rythian got a text from Zoey.

'Hey Ryth, I'm almost there. Could you meet me outside?'

"I'll be back in a second guys." He quickly said before leaving to meet Zoey to go outside.

"Hey Zo." He greeted, almost a little too happy, probably from alcohol.

"Hey Rythian..." Her voice trailed off as she came towards him.

"What's wrong?"

"Well...um, I" she tried but she couldn't exactly find the right words. "I'm s-sorry Rythian... Uh, but Duncan he, he's um... He passed away." She said quietly, starting to cry. Rythian just stood there in shock before going to hug her while crying as well. "I know we both loved him." she said as it started to rain. How did she know? Rythian thought to himself.

"What do you mean?" I never told her yet.

"I went to check on him before I left and he was slowly starting to wake up. He wanted me to tell you that he loves you. Forever. That's also why I was late." Zoey said, causing her to cry again while Rythian still had tears in his eyes. They stood there in the rain continuing to hug and comfort each other. I love you too Rythian thought. I always will.



A.k.a FelineNinja

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