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"Is This Going to Hurt?" ~ NanoCoffee (Part 1)
This is not RPS, it's based on Minecraft: Flux Buddies but I am still using their real names

"Duncan!" Duncan shot up to a sitting position, covered in sweat. He looked next to him and saw Kim standing next to him with a worried expression as she released her hands from his shoulders. He looked down at his arms and shoulders and saw he was shaking. He hesitantly looked back up at Kim. His mind started to flash.

"Duncan?" Kim backed away from him very slowly as he started shaking more violently.

'Hello again, Duncan.' A familiar voice echoed in his head. He started shaking his head.

No. Not you. Not now.

He raised his hands and tightly held his ears shut, still shaking his head. "No!" He cried.

'Too late...' Duncan stopped and smiled evilly. His pupils dilated as he cocked his head up to look at Kim. Said girl jumped back when Duncan all of a sudden swung his arm back, smashing a lamp that was nearby.

Kim continued to back up with wide eyes as Duncan advanced towards her. She has fear painted all over her face. He smirks wildly at her and takes another swing at her with his fist and misses again, causing her to fall backwards and she crawled away from Duncan on her hands as soon as she hit the floor. "Duncan- Stop!" She cried. "This isn't you!"

It's not me! Duncan protested in his mind It's Lalnable!

Lalnable was currently controlling Duncan's body, but he could still hear Duncan's thoughts. He smirked mischeviously as he walked towards Kim, he loved watching them both stuggle. She stared deep into his eyes and continued to back up until she hit a bookshelf and a few books fell on top of her:

Potion & More, Fluxed up, The Journal of Lalnable Hector.

She cocked her head up to look at him again.

"Lalnable..." She muttered under her breath, but Lalnable still heard her clearly. He widened his smirk into a sick smile, eyes gleaming with hatred as Duncan continued to curse inside his currently possessed mind. Kim sat up and walked towards him.

"Hello Kim." They stood face-to-face, or face-to-shoulders in Kim's perspective. She copied his exact face; mimicking his cold expression. "So-" Lalnable started until he was rudely interrupted by Kim. She closed her eyes and held her hand in front of him.

"No." She said simply. "You're not Duncan. And you never will be." Lalnable's eyes narrowed as Kim inhaled sharply. "You're dead to me." She turned around and walked away and heard footsteps behind her shortly after. She didn't turn around until she heard him again.

"Kim?" Duncan was right behind her with his hand outstretched, about to touch her shoulder, but he moved it back to his side. She jumped to hug him, and he gave a sympathetic smile, which she soon returned. "Kim... I need you to... Shut down Lalnable." She pulled away and looked up at him.

"What? H-he's in you brain Duncan, I can't without-"

"Yeah I know. I need you to, he's putting us both in danger." He sighed. "Nightmares end, but they shouldn't end who we are. I can't let Lalnable do this. So I want to save you. And everyone else..."

She closed her eyes. "Okay."

He smiled, happy that he could convince her. "Goodnight Kim." And he walked back to his room.

Thank you guys, I love you all, and Happy Halloween! ( ^ω^ )

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Aka FelineNinja

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