• The Guy In My Dreams - Chapter 2 •

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In my dreams,
You're with me
We'll be everything I want us to be
And from there who knows?
Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time..

Or is that just me and my imagination?


After having a dream about the handsome guy, I always wish to dream of him to make it happen in real life. But it's kind of weird because I'm not able to dream of him even if I wanted to. Maybe it's just some ordinary dream that happens only once.

I felt sad because I didn't get to ask his name or how old is he or where he lives. I have no idea how I will look for him. I want to know if he is really alive or he's just a person created out of my imagination. I looked for the same shop that we both went to and asked one of the sales ladies that I met in my dream if she saw a handsome rich guy that looks like a model who bought a necklace and a ring for the girl whom he will spend the rest of his life with but sadly, she can't remember him because there's also quite a lot of men with the same looks in my description. I asked her if she remembers me but she said she does not. Maybe I am really the only one who knows.

I went back home feeling disappointed. It's like I'm catching a little mouse that doesn't want to get caught. I visited that shop since after the day when I had a dream about him until today. I won't give up on him. I won't give up on my first love.

After 1 year...

I take back what I said a year ago. I'm starting to lose hope. Tomorrow will be my birthday celebration and I wanted to forget about sadness and start another chapter of my life.

I went again to the same shop where we had our everlasting memories but this time, I'm here to buy a gift for myself. I looked for the same necklace that he bought but they said that the last piece of it was already taken by a man. Wait, A MAN?!! I shouted. Everyone was looking at me but I don't care. Maybe he's the one who bought it. "What does that man look like?" I asked the saleslady with a shaky voice and looking very surprised. Then she answered, "I can't remember how he exactly looks like but I think he is 6 feet tall. He also has a good sense of fashion and looks very rich. I saw him driving a sports car."

OH MY GOSH!!! THIS IS IT! That's exactly him! I screamed and looked very happy. It's like I won a lottery.

I checked their CCTV footage but he wasn't clearly caught on cam. I can't see his face but I have a feeling that that man was him. I thanked the sales ladies in that shop and bought them some delicious food.

After visiting the shop, I went to a store to buy a cake. It's not yet my birthday. I just want to eat something sweet. I crossed the road but suddenly..


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