Choosing between Love & Power - Chapter 3

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HEEEEEELP! I shouted. I shouted in the dark. Everything disappeared. Everything was black. Where am I? Is this the afterlife? What happened to me? Am I already dead? I keep asking.


"Who are you?" I asked. Are you the one who will bring me to heaven? Are you an angel?! Don't come near me. Please. I need time to think. " I said while tears keep falling from my eyes.

"Selene. Don't be afraid. I'm the fairy that gave you those special powers. The time has come. You'll turn 18 soon. Your special power has a limit. It's time to go back to the way before you had that power. It's time for you to be ordinary." Said the fairy.

"What do you mean the time has come and my power has a limit? What are you talking about? Please tell me straight to the point." I said while feeling very nervous. I'm so scared.

"You have to choose now. You have to make a choice before waking up. You want to meet the guy in your dreams, right? Then, you have two options. The first one is you will wake up like nothing happened and live as how you lived since when you're 5 years old and the second one is you will come back to life with your body lying on a hospital bed and you will be in a commatose until your next birthday. Which will you choose?" The fairy said.

"Of course I will choose the first option." I bravely answered.

"Don't you want to know the consequences?" The fairy asked me. "You might change your mind if you knew."

"Oh sure, what are those?" I said.

"If you choose the first option, the power will remain in you forever. BUT you will NEVER EVER get the chance to meet the guy you fell in love with for the rest of your life. It's like living like a princess without a prince. Your love story will remain as a wonderful but sad dream. What's worse is you're the only one who knows about your secret love story. But if you choose the second option, everything you had using your power will be gone forever and pop like a bubble. You will live like an ordinary girl without assistants, maid, driver and wear casual clothes without brands. It's just like how you should have been living ever since your parents died. But thanks to your power, you lived happily for a long time. To be more clear, you'll not be rich anymore. You'll live just like the other normal people you see. But you'll have an amnesia and you might not be able to remember everything that happened from the moment you had your power until the day you lost it. But this is the worst thing that might happen if you choose this. You might forget the guy in your dreams. Yes, you will see him each and everyday when you wake up and you will have your real love story but your memories with him that only you who knows will be forgotten and he will now be a stranger to you from the moment you wake up." The fairy explained.

What will I choose? Love or Power?

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