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"I'm taking a U-turn, Niharika." Abhinay said.

"Why ? Where are we going ?" She asked.

"Home." He replied.

"Abhinay, it's not safe there. What will do there ?" She asked.

"Niharika, we need to find some clues to reach the others. I know we can wait till sunrise to go to Varun but we need to check my home and Kabir's home." He replied.

"What if someone sees us ?" She asked.

"No one will. We'll park the bike away and we'll jump in from the wall behind my house. We'll get in through the backdoor. Plus, no one will expect is there because we ran away from there." He explained.



Abhinay stopped the bike two lanes away. They both started walking through the empty roads in silence. Abhinay was holding Niharika's hand.

They reached the back of Abhinay's house and jumped in.

Abhinay unlocked the backdoor with his keys. They went in and switched on their torches.

The whole kitchen was a mess. Everything was lying on the flour. It was evident that the house was intruded.

They entered the hall and started to look around for some clues.

"Abhinay." Niharika called out in a pale voice.

Abhinay turned around to look and flashed light in Niharika's direction. The floor and the wall was covered with blood.

He walked forward. Niharika turned to him and hid her face in his chest gripping his shirt. He put his arm around her and rubbed her back to calm her down when he himself was shaken.

"They'll be fine." He whispered.

She nodded and moved back. They continued to search for some clues.

"Prisha's laptop is broken." Niharika said flashing light at the ground where a laptop lied broken.

"There's nothing much here. Everything's just lying on the ground probably because of the fight that took place here." Abhinay said. "Let's go to Kabir's house."

Niharika nodded and they entered Kabir's house through the backdoor with the spare keys Abhinay had.

Flashing the light around the house, Niharika said "The same case here. Everything is just lying around."

"All this happened the night before we left from Pondicherry." Niharika said.

"How do you know ?" Abhinay asked.

"This milk packet. The expiry date of a milk packet is that of three days after packaging. The expiry date is two days away and that means it was packaged day before yesterday morning. It's been one and a half day since they escaped." Niharika explained.

"We need to get out of here, Niharika. It's almost 4. Let's go. There's nothing else here." Abhinay said.

Niharika nodded and they left after ensuring that they left no clues.


They drove to a hotel away from the city to stay for a while because neither did they know Varun's number and nor his address.

As they pulled over at the hotel, another tourist bus pulled over too.

"I have an idea, Abhinay."

"What ?"

"Let's act as one of these tourists. It would put our identity under folds. Then the hotel authorities will think us to be tourists." Niharika suggested.

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