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I don't know what came over me when I decided on leaving the house. While one part of me told me to stay, the other overshadowed and told me to leave.

I took Abhinay's bike keys and left. After a few minutes, a car overtook and pulled aside infront of me. It was Sid's car. Shit ! How am I going to leave now ?

Sid came out of his car and towards my bike. He pulled out the bike keys and slipped them into his pocket.

"Get off" He said.

"Sid, let me go." I said.

"Let you go where, Niharika ? Away from Abhinay or away from yourself ?" Prisha asked me folding her hands across her chest.

"Why are you even doing this ?" Sid asked.

"It's nothing. I just want to go away." I said turning my face away.

"Stop lying. If that's the truth, why are there tears in your eyes. There are tears in the eyes of a girl who cries once in a blue moon. You think I'll believe you ?" Prisha asked.

I gave up and told them everything hoping that they'd let me go. I know, that I'm stupid but I just can't help it.

"Would you let me go now ?" I asked her once I completed the story.

Next I know,  I was given a tight slap across my face by Prisha. I looked at her in shock with my hand on my cheek.

"What do you think about yourself ? Why the fuck are you such an idiot ? Dude, that lady speaks shit and you believe it ?" Prisha scolded me.

"Calm down, tigress." Sid said.

"Shut up, Sid." Prisha said and turned back to me.

"For god's sake Niharika, think about Abhinay and yourself and not about some brainless old lady." She said. "Abhinay loves you, with all his heart. How can you leave him ? Moreover, you love him as well."

"She's right, Niharika. Can you stay without him ?" Sid asked me.

Can I ? Can I spend the rest of my life without him ? Heck ! No ! I can't. How can I spend the rest of my life without him when he's my life. That was it. I knew that I had to go back and prove myself worthy of him.

I can't keep running away from my life like this forever. I just can't. I once ran away from everyone but now, I won't.

"Niharika, you'll need to come home. For Abhinay, for all of us." Sid said.

"I am. " I mumbled.

"Oh my god ! Yay !" They both screamed hugging each other.

If my going back can make others happy, I not going to snatch that happiness from them.

We went back home and I saw Abhinay. His face showed a lot of anxiety. I could instantly say that he was dead worried about me.

He came and pulled me into a hug. I felt so guilty. I asked myself how I could leave him. He asked me the same. I didn't have an answer. Shit happens.

At the breakfast table, when Poornima granny taunted me again, I lost my temper, which I don't very often.

This lady is the reason why I left everyone who I loved in my life. She cannot be decided who should be in my life and who shouldn't. She needs to know her place and that is the reason that I put her down.

When I went back to the room, I asked myself some questions. Do I deserve him ? I don't know. I surely told everyone I did, but do I ? I just couldn't decide.

But when Abhinay kissed me, I knew that I deserved every bit of him. It was my first kiss. It was our first kiss. I couldn't even think of anything while he was kissing me. It was just me, him and our moment.

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