It's Just Work Nerves

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I breathe in the morning air as I stop to take in my surroundings.
My watch says 5:47am and I find myself standing in an empty park as the sun is preparing to make it's appearance.. oh how I love mornings.
As I start jogging again I think about my day ahead. I'm a part time stylist when I'm not studying, after I grew up around my mum's business as a celebrity stylist I decided to get qualifications to be able to work part time as I study; of course I'm not styling A list celebrities yet actually today was going to be my biggest client yet!
I'll be styling for Ms Maria Rose editor of Style in Paris they're to my knowledge doing an editorial in Lial park a beautiful park full of pink, blue and yellow flowers and big wonderful trees that tower over you.
I had seen a picture of Ms Rose when I done my research on the job and she looked intimidating I was quietly dreading our meeting but I needed to be professional and confident.
I sighed realising my nerves as I grab my keys and unlock my apartment. My parents had insisted on buying me this apartment although I was determined to do it on my own I gave in very well knowing I should be appreciative.

Showered and dressed I looked at my watch 6:45. I decided I didn't like my outfit and had time to change. Opening my wardrobe I flicked through the racks of dresses, tops, skirts and pants looking for anything suitable. Usually I'd wear a nice pair of pants and blouse but since this job is a lot more professional I had to choose wisely.
"Uh huh! " I exclaimed as I pulled out a black dress and my favourite black blazer with gold buttons. Perfect I thought as I looked myself up and down in the mirror. The dress hugged my figure nicely and my heels and blazer complimented it. I pulled my long brown hair up in a high pony tail and put on the gold hoops my parents generously gave to me along with a new Jeep for my 21st. Now I'm ready to go.

"Hi excuse me?" I tried getting the attention of someone passing by but they continued to run past me clearly distressed.
"Hi I'm.. " An angry blonde turned to look at me.
"What do you want?" she demanded pushing up her glasses.
"oh I'm sorry I uh I'm just looking for Miss Rose" The blonde smirked at me making me feel uneasy.
"Oh sure Just go down that corridor, take the lift up to level 16 and let the receptionist know you're looking for her" I went to thank her but she strutted off before I could.
I made my way through the craziness of the building and headed up to level 16.
My breathe was taken away momentarily as I entered the 16th floor. It was just a single room with 2 marble desks on either side occupied by whom I assume are Miss Rose's assistants. The floors are a pink marble, Windows behind each desk looking over the city and there were plants in every corner. So clean and crisp.
I was pulled out of my daze as someone cleared their throat.
"oh I'm sorry I'm Melanie Rice I'm supposed to be styling for a shoot today but was asked to meet Miss Rose first" The older assistant picked up a phone and let her boss know I was here.
"Okay Miss Rice go on in" I walked up to the large concrete doors pushing them open nervously.
"Ah Miss Rice please sit down" She greeted me without even looking up from her computer gesturing to the seat across from her.
I didn't know what to say so I sat quietly too nervous to say anything.
I watched as she finished typing and rubbed her temples. Wow this woman was beautiful. I didn't realise I was holding my breath until I almost choked on nothing. Typical awkward me.
Miss rose sighed and took off her glasses running her manicured hands through her ash blonde hair.
"unfortunately there has been a delay in today's planned shoot. The model has come down sick, the photographer was arrested last night and well I'm not quite sure the weather is right. It is rather a shame" she sighed as she made eye contact with me for the first time since I entered the room.
"Oh okay well thank you anyway for the opportunity" I tried to hide the dissapointment in my voice.
"Your Mother is Carol Rice is she not?"
Always compared to my mother.
"I hope you don't mind me asking but if you know who my mother is why did you hire me? My mother is very fond of your work and has enjoyed working here previously" I shifted in my seat still feeling nervous under the calm, confident stare of the woman in front of me.
"I've been watching your work with some of the smaller boutiques around here and I was intrigued. So tell me is styling something you've always wanted to do?"
I sat up straighter feeling a little more confident with her full attention. "No ma'am although my mother's dream is for me to work along side her I am currently studying law. Styling is just a part time job to get me through and I do enjoy it. It's a hobby that pays well." I smiled now at how self assured that came out.
Miss Rose pulled out a cigarette clearly deep in thought now.
"Very nice indeed. I am starved and I'm afraid I've had you here to waste your time, would you like to join me for lunch?"
I was in shock this beautiful woman wants my company?
She continued "I'd like to discuss future work with you maybe we could set you up with a contract" I watched curiously as she lifted the cigarette to her pretty red stained lips. I mentally slapped myself at how beautiful I thought this much older woman was and agreed to lunch.
Get yourself together Melanie

"Miss Mave" I watched as Miss Rose tapped her foot impatiently waiting for the rude blonde from earlier to answer her.
We were now on the 4th floor to drop off paint samples.
"Sorry ma'am how can I help you?" wow she was intimidated.
"Send these back to George tell him they're absolutely hideous and I will not allow these to make an appearance in the next issue. Do you think you can manage that? Oh and call up Tira and get myself and Miss Rice here last minute reservations for 11:30. Thank you" as we turned to walk out the room I heard the blonde stutter a "S-sure"
Miss Rose walked in front of me and I couldn't help but watch her hips sway in the tight skirt that hugged her delicious body.
"I hope you don't mind running a few errands with me before lunch. It's only 10:00 and I have a few dreadful meetings I wouldn't mind company" she turned and placed one of her hands on my shoulder.
"of course not ma'am" was all I could say.

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