Chapter 2

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Weiss plummeted herself on her bed after the confrontation with her father, the revelation that she's been stripped of her status as an heiress and that the next person in line to take control of the Schnee Dust Company will be her smug and irritating little brother, Whitley, had taken a toll on her. She looked up and saw the window with the glow of the moon shining through, sometimes she wished that Ruby would show up and take her away to where ever she was.

Thinking about Ruby made Weiss sob more; she missed the dolt more than she liked to admit. The whole 6 months since the incident at Beacon had Weiss continue to think about her feelings towards her young leader. The feelings were stronger than she anticipated, which made the former heiress sad, cause who knows if Ruby moved on after she rejected her and felt something towards someone else. She wished that she could go back in time to change that moment, to give Ruby a chance, but her fear took control of that moment and the small feelings started to grow and grow until she realized, that she wanted nothing more than to be in a romantic relationship with Ruby.

She looked back up to the window again and after a couple of seconds, she decided that she's not going to stand by and sulk, she'll do something about it. If she's no longer the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company then there's no reason for her to stay at the mansion or Atlas in general, plus she didn't want to be here, to begin with.

She stood up, went and moved the furniture around her room to make enough space to practice, then went to the dresser where a box laid and she opened said box which contained Myrtenaster. She sighed, she hadn't used Myrtenaster since the Fall, she took the weapon and started to practice with it, going over moves to get the feel of fighting back. Determined to breakout of this prison and to find Ruby.

Ruby's mind was buzzing, trying to digest all the information about the Maidens, Salem, Cinder, hell . . . EVERYTHING! She couldn't sleep, she was sure the others couldn't sleep either after all the information that was provided to them. She couldn't sleep the last couple of days, hell last couple of months, not after the fall. She couldn't sleep because her mind was plagued with worry over Beacon, Vale, Blake, Yang, and Weiss . . . Weiss . . . she was the number one reason why Ruby couldn't sleep, her feelings for the heiress hasn't diminished, not for a lack of trying though. Ever since Weiss rejected her that night, she had tried her hardest to get rid of her feelings towards the heiress, but she couldn't and it hurt. Hurt that she couldn't be with Weiss and it hurt even more not knowing what's going on with Weiss since the fall. Ruby had been thinking about going to Atlas by herself to check on Weiss after arriving at Haven, but under the circumstances, she decided against the idea. Hurting knowing that she couldn't do anything for Weiss.

She did decide to send Weiss a letter to check up on her and telling where she was and what she was planning with the rest of team JNPR.

The next morning wasn't any better: Qrow's wound got infected overnight, leaving him in no condition to walk. So, she and Jaune are the ones that will be carrying him while Ren and Nora are looking out for them during their trip. They reached a crossroads, one that leads to a town called Kuroyuri and another towards Mistral, where Haven academy is located. So, they decided to split up to see which one provided a quicker road to Mistral and to see if Kuroyuri has any medicine for Qrow. During their momentary split up, they encounter a Grimm that they had never heard of or seen before: a horse with a humanoid body coming from the top of the horse, a Nuckelavee Grimm. Thankfully, Nora and Ren came back just in time to defeat the monster.

After defeating the Grimm, the smoke from the Grimm's ashes and the noise of the battle alerted two patrol airships from Mistral to come to their location to transport them to Mistral and get help for Qrow immediately.

When they arrived at Mistral, they stayed at an Inn after Qrow got the help he needed, so Ruby used the time to write a quick letter to Yang telling her of all her adventures she and the others had. After her letter was done, she started on the one for Weiss, but she couldn't come up with words for it. She decided to leave it be for now and get some rest.

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