Chapter 4

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Weiss awoke from her sleep and saw that it was still dark and the light around her room was coming from the shattered moon. She looked behind her and saw that Ruby was there and her hand wrapped around her waist. Weiss smiled sadly and kissed Ruby on the forehead. She got up and grabbed her robe and put it on to cover her naked body. Weiss walked towards the window and was leaning on it, contemplating her situation.

It's been roughly a year since Salem was defeated and within that year most of it was spent on reconstructing all of Remnant after all the devastation Salem caused. The long year and couple months of fighting Salem were strenuous, taking the girls of team RWBY over the edge and testing them on their will, but they won, spirits might have been shaken, but not destroyed. However, rebuilding Remnant was going to be another challenge in and of itself, the devastation that Salem and her forces caused had shaken the four Kingdoms to near collapse.

The first obstacle was that The Schnee Dust Company, and the ruling council of Atlas, refused to help the other three kingdoms. Which lead to the council of Vacuo and Mistral declaring war on Atlas, thankfully they were talked out of it.

During the first year, while Blake and Sun went back to Menagerie, Yang and Ruby decided to help around Vale. After rebuilding the buildings and building a new part on the southern outskirts of where Vale originally bordered, Vale became Neo Vale. And finally, Weiss and Winter returned to Atlas to convince the Atlesian council to help the other Kingdoms. Ruby and Weiss, went their separate ways to help Remnant, even after getting back together after their fight three months prior. They did promise to each other to be back to together once everything was done.

During that first year, Ruby took trips to Atlas to visit Weiss whenever the opportunities arose. The first time they had the luxury of having five days, and in those five days, Weiss showed Ruby around and took her on dates and such, things couples would do, but after that first visit, they kept in contact through mail and video chats. As the year progressed, the mails and calls became less and less frequent that both girls feared for their relationship. Ruby had two more visits after the first, but it only lasted a day or two, and they didn't have a chance to be together for the majority of Ruby's visit. The last visit in the year resulted in Ruby and Weiss getting into another fight, in which Ruby left in the middle of the argument stating, 'I'll leave before things escalate any further.'

The reason for the fight was the lack of communication during their long separation, plus the last two visits, Weiss didn't spend a whole lot of time with Ruby, which upset the raven-haired huntress.

A couple of minutes later after Ruby had stormed out, Weiss knew that she had hurt Ruby again, which she scolded herself for doing, the first being keeping their relationship a secret. Weiss let Ruby cool down until the next day, afterward, Weiss went to Ruby's hotel room, cornering her and begging her to stay for at least another day. Reluctantly, Ruby agreed. That day, Weiss took her to breakfast, went for a walk in one of Atlas' parks, invited her to a simple dinner in Winter's home (where Weiss was staying), which they stayed up watching movies, and at night they rekindled their relationship after hours of making love to one another.

To which is why she's in this predicament. She couldn't sleep because of her fear of ruining what she has with Ruby, she almost lost her after the first time when she convinced the younger girl to keep their relationship a secret, and now when she was ignoring Ruby, even after she promised never to let her go.

Weiss covered her eyes with her hand. One of the reasons that Weiss returned to Atlas and had diverted her attention from her girlfriend was the subject of the Schnee Dust Company. For the last couple of months, Weiss tried to take control of the company away from her father and brother. Even though she's no longer a Schnee, she built up a case from her years of observing her father do business, plus all the dirt she gathered on her father and the questionable practices he enacted when he took over. It gave her support within the company and some members of the Atlesian council, even General Ironwood, but it wasn't enough. This fight against her father and brother was draining her and taking a toll on her relationship with Ruby, the one where she vowed that nothing nor no one would break them apart.

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