Chapter 5

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Weiss awoke from her slumber when the sun's rays hit her eyes and she looked at the clock by her nightstand which read 9:02 a.m. She did a small stretch and turned around on her bed, and was now facing her wife, Ruby Rose. She smiled at Ruby, even at 40 years, to Weiss, Ruby doesn't look a day over 30, she still looks like she did back when they first meet in Beacon, but older of course.

Weiss brought her hand up and brushed a few strands of Ruby's hair, the action causing Ruby to open her eyes. When Ruby saw Weiss, she smiled and said, "Morning my queen,"

"Morning," Weiss said, she leaned down to capture her wife's lips with her own. When they parted they just laid there looking at each other and enjoying their presence, but they both knew that they had to get up, today the whole Rose family were traveling to Patch to visit Taiyang and have a little family camping trip.

"How'd you sleep? I know you were stressing back at work to finish up certain stuff so you can take the next couple of days off," Ruby asked.

Weiss merely shrugged, "I slept fine honey, I've run this company for the last 23 years, I can handle this,"

Ruby nodded, "I know, I know. You can't blame me for worrying though," said Ruby.

Weiss simply nodded and brought herself closer to Ruby and said, "That's why I love you," and then kissed her wife again.

Ruby broke the kiss and rested her forehead on Weiss' and said, "I love you too, my queen,"

Soon enough their peaceful morning was interrupted when they heard an air horn from the other end of the hall where their room is located and their second oldest; Jack yelling, "GODDAMNIT YOU LITTLE RUNT!"

Then they heard a little girl giggling coming towards their room and soon enough the door was opened and their 7-year-old daughter; Alex jumped into bed with them. Jack then stormed in and was fuming in anger, but he stopped once he saw that Alex was with their mothers.

He pointed his finger at Alex and said, "You got lucky this time, next time, I will catch you," Alex just responded by sticking her tongue out to her brother.

Every time Alex pulls a prank or antagonizes her brother and he starts chasing her, she always runs towards Ruby and Weiss, once she's there she's safe from Jack's wrath.

Jack left the room and Alex was giggling then Weiss looked at Ruby and said, "You know she takes this from you right," Ruby just laughed and was hugging their daughter and tickling her stomach. Weiss smiled at the sight.

Alex then left the room and Ruby turned to Weiss and said, "I'll start making breakfast." Weiss was about to get up along with Ruby, but Ruby stopped her, "Stay. Sleep in a while longer, I'll come get you when breakfast is ready okay. Get some rest love,"

Weiss reluctantly agreed and Ruby planted a kiss on the white-haired woman's forehead and proceeded to the kitchen. When she reached the first floor, she saw the two youngest; Alex and Max watching their morning cartoons. She wished them a good morning they did one in return to their ma. She went to the kitchen and saw her first born, Elizabeth sitting on a stool on the kitchen island and was texting away on her scroll.

"Morning Liz," said Ruby.

Elizabeth just stood their typing on the scroll ignoring what her Ma said. Ruby then went up to her and lowered the scroll to which Elizabeth replied, "Hey, I was texting,"

Ruby grinned and said, "Morning Elizabeth,"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and smiled, "Morning ma,"

"That's better," she kissed Elizabeth's forehead and then went to take out ingredients to make pancakes.

"Who are you texting anyway?" asked Ruby

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