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As you made your way down the stairs the next morning you heard laughter and voices you did not recognise. As you walked down the hall and looked into the library, you smiled when you saw Ivan standing by the window, laughing as he spoke a language you didn't know. He was dressed much more casual than he usually did, which made him look even more handsome. You walked into the room and smiled to Ivan, he instantly walked to you, kissed the back of your hand and kept hold of it as he walked you both into the room, standing by the window once again.
"Gentlemen, this is my friend and housemate Miss (name) Kirkland. (name), this is Toris and Raivis." You shook both mens' hands before you smiled and looked out of the window, seeing a clear view of the entrance to the woods.
"Ivan has told me much about you in letters, Miss Kirkland." Toris said as he now stood beside you whilst Ivan and Raivis spoke. You smiled to the man. "All good things, do not be concerned. In fact, they are all wonderful things."
"Really? Well, that's comforting to know, Toris." You replied with a smile. As you watched Ivan, he showed no signs that he had been thinking about your kiss last night, which made you a little nervous. Perhaps you dreamt the whole thing? Or simply imagined it? You were brought from your daydream when you felt a hand settle on your back, blinking and turning to the side you saw Ivan was now beside you, smiling sweetly as always.
"I am showing these to their rooms, then I am afraid I must go to the barracks. Will you join us?" He asked, you smiled and shook your head, telling him you would like a quiet day to yourself. He smiled, nodded and leant forward to press his lips to yours once again. This kiss was deeper and more passionate than the one last night, Ivan's arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you into his large chest. After a few moments he took a step back, smiled down to you as he ran one finger down your cheek before he left the room.

"So you just live with this guy?" Gilbert asked as he continued to strip the twig he had picked up earlier that afternoon, you nodded and smiled as you thought about your kiss with Ivan. "Sounds like bullshit to me. I mean, can people do that?" You started to laugh and shake your head.
"Of course they can! Men and women can be friends, you know? They don't have to be in a relationship." You replied, hoping you weren't smiling like a total idiot, or worse, blushing. Gilbert simply hummed and nodded before he threw the stick down and sighed. "What about you? Do you have a special someone?" he let out a small laugh and laid down on the ground, his arms behind his head once again as he looked up at the sky.
"I did. She was cool, pretty and intelligent. But... I had known her for so many years, when we did actually sleep together it just felt... wrong somehow. Like we shouldn't be doing it. We're still friends, she has a new guy now. Roderich, another old friend of ours." He told you, as he spoke about the woman he didn't seem to have much emotion. "I don't think relationships are really my thing. I prefer the occasional fling, but nothing I have to commit to. Makes me sound like an asshole, right?" For a few moments you remained silent, until you laid down next to him and sighed deeply.
"No. I don't think so. Relationships are complicated. Or from what I can tell from my three brothers, anyway. I've never been in one, or in love. I had a crush on a boy in my class in school, but that was when I was a child." You told him, he turned to look at you and smiled before he opened his mouth to say something.
"Gilbert, bist du hier draußen?*" You heard a deep voice shout from a distance away in the woods. You and Gilbert both stood up quickly before he began to quickly pack up his things and turned to look at you.
"Go! Now, run back to your house." He whispered, you nodded and quickly began to run back towards the house, in the distance you could hear Gilbert shouting something back in German and soon you were back outside the garden gate. You stopped to catch your breath, relieved that nobody came through the woods after you, before you brushed mud from your legs and walked into the garden. As you crept through the back door, you heard talking and laughter coming from the front room, however you got a drink of water from the kitchen and gathered your breath again.
"Ah, there you are." Ivan said as he walked into the kitchen, you turned to smile to him as you swallowed your mouthful of water. "Are you okay? There is mud on your coat and the back of your skirt. You are pale, did something happen?" You smiled a little when Ivan put both hands on your cheeks and moved your face up to look at him, you reached up and pressed your lips to his, he made a small noise before his arms wrapped around your waist once again and he lifted you from the floor and sat you on the kitchen side, causing you to break the kiss and gasp slightly. He rested his forehead against yours, placed one hand on your knee and started to slowly climb up your leg to your thigh, causing your heart rate to speed up. "You know, Toris and Raivis are going into town this evening to a club I recommended. That leaves us alone." You smiled and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Ivan, I was wandering if it is okay for me to use the bath?" Toris asked as he walked into the kitchen, your eyes went wide and you quickly moved your arms down, however Ivan stayed where he was. "Oh, is everything okay?"
"Oh, Toris. Yes, (name) was out walking and she fell, I was making sure her knees were okay. Of course you can use the bath, there is no need to ask, it is your house now too." Ivan said as he turned to look at the Lithuanian. You smiled and waved to Toris, he did the same before he left the kitchen again. Ivan smiled to you and took a step back, allowing you to climb down from the kitchen side. "Well, I shall see you tonight." With that, he kissed your hand and left the kitchen, leaving you breathing heavily with your heart thumping heaving against your chest.

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