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"How did he sleep?" Ivan asked as he placed one hand on your shoulder and handed you a cup tea. You took the cup with one hand and put your other on top of his on your shoulder, smiling gently when he squeezed it.
"Not so well. He kept waking up crying and screaming." You told Ivan. You had been sat up with Arthur all night to make sure he was okay and hadn't actually been to sleep yet yourself. Ivan continued to offer to look after him whilst you went to bed, but you refused.  When your brother groaned and stirred in the bed, you knelt down on the floor and took his hand in yours as you pressed small kissed to his hands. Arthur's eyes slowly opened and he turned to look up at you.
"You stayed with me?" He asked, you nodded and smiled as you kissed his hand again, earning a small smile from him. He sat in bed and looked over at Ivan, smiling a little as Ivan smile back to him.
"How do you feel?" Ivan asked, Arthur sighed deeply as he looked down at the bed spread below him.
"I want to go and see him today. He... he can't be blind." He said, you looked over at Ivan to see him sigh as he smiled a little to you.
"Perhaps you and (name) should have a talk, no? I will be downstairs." Ivan said before he left the room. For a few moments the room was silent until Arthur turned to look at you and tapped the bed. You sat on the edge and smiled to him when he took your hand in his, running his thumb along the backs of your fingers.
"There's something I haven't told you." He started, you simply nodded and held his hand tighter as you waited for him to continue. "Alfred is...a friend of mine. He..."
"Do you love him?" You asked, he turned to look at you with wide eyes, you offered a small smile. "You wouldn't get this upset if he didn't mean a lot to you." He slowly nodded as his eyes filled with tears again, you quickly hugged him to you and kissed his hair. "It's okay. Listen to me, I'm sure he will be okay. Go and see him."
"Will you come with me?" He asked, you smiled and nodded before you pressed one more kiss to his hair and left him to get dressed. Downstairs you found Ivan speaking to Toris with a smile on his face as he turned to look at you.
"I'm going with him to see this Alfred chap. He asked me to." You told him, he simply smiled and nodded.
"Of course, anything to make him feel better." Ivan replied, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before you greeted Arthur as he walked down the stairs.
The journey to the hospital was almost unbearable, it was in complete silence and Arthur glanced out of the window for most of the time. When you finally arrived he jumped from the car and ran into the building, you chased after him as well as you could, stopping to ask a Nurse which room Alfred was in before you ran in that direction. When you reached the room you stood in the door as you saw Arthur sitting on the edge of the bed with his arms around the man in the bed. The man's hands were on Arthur's face as they kissed, you looked down at the floor and looked for somewhere else to look to give the two men their privacy.
"Oh! Alfred, my sister is here! Come in!" Arthur said as he motioned to you, you slowly walked into the room and stood beside him as you looked at the man in the bed whose face was bandaged.
"Hey, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm sorry I can't see you." The man said as he held out his hand to you. You took it in yours and shook it as you smiled.
"That's okay, let's get you better then you can see me. There isn't much to see, though." You told him, he smiled and nodded before he sighed.
"You know, your brother here never shuts up about you! Boy does he love you, Missy!" Alfred told you, you laughed and put one hand on Arthur's shoulder. "How is your shoulder, by the way?" you put your free hand on your bullet would as you smiled.
"It's getting there. I didn't know he told you so much." You told the American, he nodded and smiled, telling you he told you a lot. After an hour, you decided to leave the two men alone and said goodbye to both before you left and decided to walk back to the house. As you walked along a quiet country road, you heard a twig snap behind you, you reached into your pocket and turned around as you pointed your gun forward, sighing when you saw Gilbert standing behind you with a smile on his face.
"Still trying to shoot me?" He asked, you simply laughed and nodded as you lowered your gun. "You can come out, it's safe." You looked into the bushes when Gilbert said this and gasped when a short man with brown hair in a blue uniform walked out and went wide eyed when he saw you. He held his hands up in the air and hid behind the Prussian. "So it was him! I didn't think he'd be able to shoot a dead deer."
"I'm so sorry, Lady! It wasn't my choice to shoot you! I was with my brother and I was looking for a Russian, when he saw you handing something over he told me to shoot! I thought I had killed you and I felt awful! Please forgive me so I'm not Damned for all eternity!" The Italian exclaimed as he dropped to his knees in the middle of the road, causing you to go wide eyed as you looked down at him.
"Jeez, no need to be so dramatic. She lived, didn't she? Now stand up, you fool." Gilbert said as he kicked the Italian's boot. "This is Feliciano Vargas, the idiot Italian that shot you, if you hadn't have guessed." You slowly nodded and knelt down, holding out one hand to the Italian.
"It's okay, I forgive you. Now stand up, your uniform will get dirty." You whispered, he wiped his eyes with his overly long sleeve before he nodded, took your hand in his and stood. He went and stood beside Gilbert again before he looked back across at you.
"What are you doing out here?" Gilbert asked, you told him you were visiting a friend in the hospital, he simply nodded.
"You said you were sent to shoot a Russian?" You asked, Feliciano turned to look over at you as he nodded slowly. Your heart pounded against your chest before you slowly nodded.
"We should get back, Captain Hardass will be looking for us. It was nice to see you, Kirkland." Gilbert said before he and Feliciano walked back into the woods. You quickly ran the rest of the way home, crashing into the main hall as the door slammed shut behind you.
"Ivan? Ivan!" You shouted as you looked in all the rooms downstairs, however you didn't see him. You ran back into the main hall and looked up at the stairs case, seeing the Russian running down to you. You ran to meet him and hugged him rightly, starting to cry when his arms wrapped around you.
"Hey, hey now, what is it?" He asked as he kissed your hair and ran one hand down it to soothe you. Your hands tightly gripped onto his shirt as you felt him, not being able to get the idea of him being shot, not you, out of your head. You looked up at him, put both hands on his cheeks and leant up to kiss him. You held onto him tightly as you cried, slowly falling down into a heap on the floor. Ivan moved down with you and wrapped his arms fully around you as he held you close to his chest and kissed the top of your hair. "(name), please tell me, what's wrong?" You instantly looked up, took hold of his face and kissed him roughly, he made quite small noise of surprise against your lips before he kissed you back, falling with you as you laid back onto the cold tiles of the hallway floor. When he broke the kiss he looked down at you and smiled a little as he ran one finger down your cheek.
"You're safe." You whispered, he looked down at you with one eyebrow raised before you kissed him again and hastily buckled his belt, he hummed into the kiss and pulled away.
"Here?" He asked, you just nodded and pulled his trousers down a little further, however he took hold of your hands and stopped you. "Let's to up stairs. This floor is freezing." He kept your hands in his as he stood and pulled you to your feet, led you both into his bedroom and closed the door. You sat on the edge of the bed, took a deep breath and laid back. When Ivan sat beside you, you opened your eyes and held his hand in yours. "Will you not tell me what happened?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I did." You replied, Ivan simply laughed and gently laid down beside you.  He took your hand in his and held them both up before he compared the size difference and laughed. "I guess seeing Arthur so upset over Alfred made me think." His fingers twined with yours before he kissed the back of your hand and let them both settle on his chest as he turned to look at you.
"What did it make you think about?" He asked, his voice was low and stuck in his throat a little, telling you he was tired. You smiled and turned on your side, Ivan did the same and smiled once again. The top two buttons of his shirt were open, allowing you to see his defined collar bones and his large Adam's apple. You smiled as you watched his chest slowly rise and fall as he breathed.
"About you." You whispered, Ivan propped himself up on his elbow and smiled down to you a little, waiting for you to continue as he knew you had more to say. You sat up and sighed as you took his hand again and compared the size, as he had done. "About how whenever you go to the barracks I'm scared."
"Scared about what?" He asked in a quiet voice as he watched you looking at the size difference. His fingers were much longer than yours and his palm was almost twice as wide.
"That you won't come back." You whispered. "That...you'll be shot, stabbed, something. I'm scared that...when I've just found somebody as amazing as you, you'll be taken away from me." Ivan curled his fingers so once again he held your hand tightly, he scooped you up with one arm and sat you in his lap, making you smile a little at the safety and security you got from the position.
"You listen to me," he started to say, making you smile, "I'm going nowhere. Yes, I have to attend my duties and I will have to fight eventually. But, for now, I'm here. And I'm safe." He whispered this to you, his voice was soothing and made you feel calm. He started to hum a familiar tune to you, one you had heard lots since you had been in Russia. He slowly moved you both backwards and forwards on the bed as he hummed, you hugged him and leant up to kiss his neck before your head rested against it and you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling of him moving you back and forwards as he hummed to you, the sound rumbled deep in his chest which only relaxed you even more. You soon fell to sleep, when Ivan noticed he smiled to himself and kissed the top of your hair and gently moved you on to the bed, covered you with a thick blanket and kissed your cheek as he laid beside you, took your hand in his again, and fell to sleep. The next morning you woke to find Ivan had his arm around your waist as he snorted gently, making you smile. You managed to stand from the bed without waking him. You put the blanket over him and left the bedroom for your own in order to change your clothes and brush your hair. Instead of doing it in your usual curly style, you decided to leave it natural and smiled as it hung almost straight around your face, it had been a while since you left it like that. You also skipped your usual mascara and lipstick and left the house to walk into the woods. You sat down for an hour or so, smiling as you watched the sun rising.
"Do you ever to home?" You heard a voice ask, you turned around and smiled to Gilbert, laughing at his reaction to how you looked as he sat down beside you. "Why do you look so happy?" You smiled and shrugged as you laid down and looked up at the pink/Orange sky. "Oh, you get lucky?" You turned to look at him as he laid down beside you and laughed. "You did! I knew it was bullshit you and that Russian guy just being friends." You hit his arm as he laughed and looked up at the sky with you.

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