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You climbed out of the car and slammed the door before marching to the British hut, when you threw the doors open with a bang Arthur, Alfred and the soldiers inside were clearly surprised to see you. However you ignored their questions, walked straight to Arthur and took his arm as you pulled him to the side.
"Which soldier was shot?" You asked, he looked at you with a confused expression, wandering why you were acting as strange as you were. "Arthur, which soldier was shot?" He blinked a few times before he cleared his throat.
"A Latvian, Ivan said he knows him well, but I can't remember his name." He told you, you went wide eyed before you closed them and nodded. "Why? (name), where are you going?" You didn't stop to answer him, instead you just walked back out of the hut and quickly ran to the Russian barracks. Men who recognised you let you through. When you saw who it was lying on a make shift bed at the front of the barracks, you gasped and knelt beside Raivis as you took his hand in yours.
"Raivis? Can you hear me?" You asked, you felt tears rising in your eyes as you looked at him. He looked so pale and fragile, his lips were slowly turning blue and his skin was cold. "Raivis?" His eyes opened just a little and his dried lips smiled as much as they could. However a few moments later, his eyes closed and the smile fell from his face. "R-Raivis?" You turned to look behind you when you felt a hand settle on your shoulder, when you saw Eduard kneeling behind you with tears in his eyes you turned and hugged him tightly as you started to cry with him. After a few moments you pulled back and ran one hand through his hair, kissed his forehead and left the barracks. You looked up at the sky as it started to rain before you sighed and climbed back into Ivan's car. As you drove back to the house you couldn't help but cry and wander how Ivan would tell Raivis' family. When you were home you climbed out and instantly went upstairs, Ivan still wasn't back and you wandered if he was still with Gilbert or if he had gone into the barracks as you left.

You were laid in bed that night when you heard the door close and two minutes later the door to the bedroom opened. You didn't sit up when you heard Ivan sigh before he sat on the edge of the bed and put one hand on your leg over the cover. For a while you were both silent, however Ivan's fingers drew small invisible circles on the fabric which covered your legs.
"Извините, пожалуйста*." You heard Ivan say. You finally sat up,  brought your knees to your chest and looked at him. His hair was wet, as were the shoulders on his coat and he looked tired. He had dark circles under his eyes and a sorrowful look on his face. "I wrote a letter to Raivis' mother. I hope they get it soon, I'd hate for her to not know for much longer." You slowly nodded and looked down at the bed. "I...I want to apologise for what happened in the woods today. I was foolish, I wasn't thinking about my actions and instead I behaved like an idiot." You looked at him for few moments before sighing with a nod.
"It's...okay. I'm sorry for leaving like I did." You replied, Ivan looked at you and smiled a little as he shook his head. "I... I went to see Raivis. He... died when I was there." Ivan sighed as he stood from the bed, removed his coat and shoes before he moved back the covered and climbed into the bed with you. You moved to his side when he wrapped his arms around you and you put your head on his chest as you felt a tear roll down your cheek.
"I'm sorry. But, do you want to know something?" He asked, you nodded. "I think he would have been very happy you were with him, holding his hand. It meant he wasn't alone when he left." You nodded again and closed your eyes, listening to the steady beat of Ivan's heart. He gently ran one hand down the back of your hair as he hummed a tune to you, making you smile. "You know, when this war is over I want you to show me Britain." When Ivan said this you sat back and looked at him, he smiled and put one hand on your cheek. "I want to see where you grew up, your favourite places." You smiled and nodded slowly, Ivan smiled back and leant forward to press a kiss to your lips.
"Then... I want to meet your family. I don't know anything about them... you've met Arthur, you still need to meet Seamus, Allistor and Dylon." You told him, Ivan laughed and nodded once again.
"I had no idea you were such a large family. I only have two sisters, Natalia and Yekaterina." He replied, you smiled as you wandered what your two sister in laws were like and if they looked like Ivan. When he groaned you looked up at him and smiled when you saw him yawning. "I should take a bath." With a nod and a smile you kissed him once again before he stood from the bed and left the room.
~~~Ivan's POV~~~
I had been longer than expected in the bath, I couldn't help but think about Raivis' Mother and pity her. How would she take the news about her young boy? The thought sent a chill down my spine. I also couldn't help but think about earlier that morning, why had I acted like such a fool? Gilbert only met with (name) to warn her that someone was trying to kill me. I would have to find him and apologise for my behaviour. As I opened the door to the bedroom and put my damp clothes on the chair in front of the lit fire, I smiled when I noticed (name) had fallen asleep. With a smile I walked to the side of the bed and ran my hand through her hair, she smiled gently in her sleep which only made my smile grow. I looked at the ring on my finger as my hand ran down her hair before I leant down, pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek and left the room. As I sat in front of the fire downstairs with a book and a small glass of whiskey Arthur had given us as a Wedding Present, I couldn't help but think about the woman lying in the bed upstairs. Though I knew I loved her, the realisation of how much she meant to me was only just coming to me. I smiled and took a drink from the whiskey, coughing a little as it warmed my throat and chest. I decided there and then what I needed to do in order to keep her safe until the war was over and I started to plan how to do it.

~~~Two Months Later~~~
"Ludwig gave it to me!" Feliciano told you as you looked at the pendant around his neck. The younger man looked so happy when he spoke about the German, but you couldn't help but wander if he knew how frowned upon their relationship would be. With a sigh the Italian laid on the grass and looked up at the sky with his arms spread out at his sides. "What do you think they are talking about?" You simply shrugged. A while ago Ivan had asked Gilbert if they could speak on private and they hadn't returned since. You could see them through a clearing in the trees, they were both lying on their backs with their arms behind their heads. They had both left their coats and guns with you, showing you and each other they were unarmed. "When the war is finished do you think you could meet Ludwig?" You turned to look at him and smiled a little, even though when he asked it you felt an incredible wave of sadness wash over you.
"I hope so. I would like to meet him, by the way you describe him he sounds wonderful." You told him, he giggled a little and nodded his head. Feliciano reminded you a little of Raivis, too young and happy to be fighting. You looked back at your husband and friend when you heard the two men laughing, bringing you a little relief.
"Now I really want to know what they are talking about." Feliciano commented, making you smile. The four of you fell silent when you heard a loud crash, followed by a gun shot. For a moment everything fell silent and still, you saw the two men speaking to each other before they stood and ran over to you and the Italian. They took their guns and jackets before Ivan took your hand and pulled you from the floor. "What's happening?"
"I don't know, but you need to get back to your camp." Ivan replied, you looked across at Gilbert to see him smile and nod to you before he hugged you tightly. To your surprise, Ivan shook his hand and patted his shoulder before you all turned and started to walk away.
"Oh, Ivan?" You heard Gilbert call, Ivan stopped and turned to look at the Prussian, who was smiling a little. "I promise." Ivan smiled at this, you and Feliciano simply looked at each other.
"Thank you...my friend." Ivan replied before Gilbert turned and started to walk away again. You waved to Feliciano before you and Ivan quickly waked back to the house. When he closed the door there was another loud bang, causing the ground to shake a little. As you held onto the table beside you, Ivan used one hand to hold onto the door and held the other out to you, as though trying to protect you. When it finished, you looked at him to find his face was white and he was breathing heavily. "I... I have to get to the barracks."
"No! You can't go out there, you don't know what that was! There was gun shots!" You said as you followed him down the hall, he went into each room, locking the doors leading outside and the windows. "Ivan, please don't do this!" He turned to look at you, kissed you and sighed when he pulled back.
"Please stay inside. I'll be back as soon as I can." Was all he said before he walked down the hall, ignoring you as you begged him to stay. When he left you noticed he locked the door and had taken any spare keys with him, you tried as hard as you could to open the door, however when you saw his car speed down the road you sighed in defeat.

Hours had passed since Ivan had left and you hard heard nothing but the loud bangs and gun shots. You felt sick as you listened to it around you, knowing there was nothing you could do. As you were standing in the kitchen, boiling some water to make a cup of tea, you screamed and fell onto the floor when there was a bang louder than all the others and the ground shook violently.
"(name)? Hey! Are you okay?" You heard somebody ask from outside, looking up you saw Gilbert on the other side of the window, looking worried, scared and tired. You nodded as you stood and walked to the window. He smiled a little and put one hand on the glass, you did the same and smiled a little back to him. "Where's Ivan?"
"At the barracks. What's going on?" You asked, he nodded and you noticed the smile had fallen from his face, filling you with dread.
"Listen to me, stay inside. I'll try and keep him safe. Here, I have something for you." You raised one Eyebrow as he spoke. "I have to go. When this is over I'll find you, okay?" You nodded slowly and watched as he walked away from the window. When you heard the letter box open and close, you looked down the hall before running to pick up what Gilbert had just posted. You smiled when you saw the photo Feliciano had taken earlier that day in the woods of yourself, Ivan, Feliciano and Gilbert. All of you were smiling. As you turned it over you read what Gilbert had written and smiled to yourself:
The only photo of us where me and Ivan aren't pointing a gun at each other. Remember us smiling. Gilbert.

*= I am sorry

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