Q & A - Response and babbling

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Who is your favorite character in the Sherlock BBC series?
- It has to be either Sherlock or Molly.  They're both such complex characters that you have to pay attention to even barely understand.  Molly has such depth you don't always know what's going on in her head although sometimes it might seem obvious.  Sherlock has a stunning mind and complex character it's hard not to like him.

Since only one person asked a question, I -begrudgingly- have to complete a tag my very good friend @dyintogetaway tagged me in.

I considered ignoring it and acting like I didn't see that she tagged me in this thing, but I actually know her so I guess I must.  Basically you write down 13 things about yourself and then tag another 13 people.  Although the latter is kind of tricky because I don't like butting along tags to other unfortunate souls, but also wonderful because I'm the queen of loopholes.

Let's get on with this-

1.  I have five pets.  Yes, that's a lot I know.  Two dogs, Two cats, and one rabbit.

2.  My very first time on a road trip was with 80 some other marching band people right after I finished my 9th grade year.  We went to Colorado, and yes, it was very fun.

3.  I remember crying in the first movie I went to at a movie theater because my child brain couldn't handle the action in it (there wasn't a lot).  Just look at me now, a lover of action movies.

4.  My first dog became my first best friend because I was a really quiet kid who didn't like to socialize with children my age and tended to only befriend adults.

5.  I never had an imaginary friend growing up, I didn't really understand the concept behind it.

6.  I'm a Slytherin and proud of it.

7.  I'm realizing I'm a very boring person by writing this.

8.  The first story I ever started was when I was about 12 or 13, and I still haven't finished it because I don't want to do it injustice.

9.  I'll be 18 in November which is a terrifying thought.

10.  I've never dyed my hair.

11.  I have a love for house plants, but my cat loves to eat any plant she can see.  So, no house plants for me.

12.  My mum buys house plants anyway aside the fact my cat knaws on them.  My mum always accidently kills the plants, and now I know where I get the trait of not-being-able-to-keep-plants-alive from.

13.  I like cold weather.

I tag:
My mum
My dad
My sister
My other best friend
My dog
My other dog
My cat
My other cat
My rabbit
My first fictional character I created
My favorite gym teacher in middle school
My old middle school principle
My most current character that I've written about

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