Chapter 3- Black Cat

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Once Marinette was allowed back home Alya stayed with her for the rest of the day and by the time Marinette did actually come home she was exhausted. When Marinette entered her room she let herself fall straight onto her bed. Marinette groaned from the pain in her back as Tikki flew out of her side bag.

" You have to be more careful Marinette," Tikki said, worry laced in her voice. Marinette sighed as she heard a gentle knock at her trap door above.

" Who could be on my balcony?" Marinette questioned as Tikki hid from sight. Marinette slowly climbed her ladder and opened the door.

" Hello?" Marinette said as she stood up on her balcony.

" Over here." Marinette turned to look who was behind her and found the holder of the voice.

" Who are you?" Marinette asked questioning the blond boy head to toe in black leather.

" Do you not remember me?" He asked leaning against the railing.

" I recently had an injury that gave me slight amnesia, so If I was friends with you I'm sorry I don't remember you," Marinette replied.

'She's even saying sorry to me even though she doesn't know me as Chat that well,' Chat thought to himself.

" Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am Chat Noir. One of the famed heroes in Paris and partner of Ladybug, It's nice to meet you," Chat said extending a hand for a friendly gesture.

'So he's my partner in fighting crime, huh?' Marinette thought to herself as she shook his hand.

" Marinette Dupan-chang," Marinette replied. Chat smiled at her kindness.

" So, what are you doing here Chat?" Marinette asked.

'Does he know I'm Ladybug?' Marinette questioned to herself.

" I am the one who saved you at the incident at your school in which you hurt yourself. After I heard that you came home I wanted to see if you we're ok. Plus, everyone gets lonely sometimes," Chat replied.

'I can understand why he is a chosen superhero like Tikki said. He's so sweet,' Marinette thought.

" Well, come inside then. I wouldn't like for you to stay out here in this cold," Marinette replied shivering from the fall weather. Chat nodded and they went down into the room below.

" You can sit down on the chaise of there, I'll be back in a sec," Marinette said motioning at the light pink chaise across the room. Once Marinette arrived back she had a plate of cookies in hand.

" Cookies!" Chat exclaimed with a bright smile.

" I guess you like cookies," Marinette said, chuckling as Chat threw the cookies in his mouth.

" Your so childish kitty," Marinette said as she put the now empty plate on her desk. Chat blushed slightly at the nickname.

" Kitty?" Chat questioned, not that he minded the nickname that is.

" Do you mind if I call you that?" Marinette asked. Marinette couldn't help but feel that the nickname fit.

" I don't mind, but then I would like to call you a name as well," Chat requested.

" And what name is that?" Marinette asked. Chat stood up and walked over to her.

"Purrincess," Chat said taking her hand and getting down on one knee and kissing it like a prince. Chat smirked and he saw her face turn pinkish.

" Why that nickname?" Marinette asked, holding back her stutter.

" Because, sadly you are a lonely purrincess stuck in her tower," Chat replied making sure to roll his "R" on Princess. Marinette laughed.

The Princess and her Kitty (MariChat)Where stories live. Discover now