Chapter 4- Chloe

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(( This chapter has a spoiler about Chloe in season two. If you don't like spoilers then skip this chapter.))

Once Marinette got to school she bumped into Adrien's back while running to the entrance. 

" Marinette," Adrien said as he turned around to face her. 

" I-I'm A-adrien, No. I mean sorry, no I mean," Marinette stuttered blushing madly. 

" Mari, are you ok?" Adrien asked pushing her out of her daze. Marinette nodded as Adrien helped her off of the ground. 

" Way to go girl," Alya said as Marinette approached her. 

" What do you mean 'way to go,' I literally fell into him," Marinette replied groaning in frustration. " Hey Marinette, can I speak with you?" Marinette turned around only to stare in confusion at the person in front of her. 

" Why would I talk to you Chloe?" Marinette inquired. 

" Please, just hear me out. I won't be saying anything rude or hurtful, I promise," Chloe replied. Marinette could see by the look in Chloe's eyes that something was wrong and that something had changed. It was only because of this that she complied. 

" Well, we're going to need to be in class soon so how about we go and get something to eat at lunch and talk then?" Marinette suggested. Chloe nodded. 

" Ok, that's fine," Chloe replied before walking off into the building. 

" Girl, why did you agree to that?" Alya asked with a baffled look. 

" Normally I wouldn't, but she's acting different," Marinette replied. Alya sighed. 

" Sometimes I don't understand you," Alya said pulling her along into the building once she heard the bell ring. Once in class Marinette couldn't help but notice that Sabrina was sitting at another desk and Chloe was alone. 

'Something is definitely going on,' Marinette thought looking at the frowning blond. As the class ended Marinette stopped Adrien in the hallway. 

" Hey, Adrien can I ask you a question about Chloe?" Adrien nodded. 

" I guess you've noticed she's been acting weird to," Adrien replied. 

" Yea, she asked to talk to me in a few minutes and I was wondering if you knew anything about it?" Marinette asked. 

" Sadly no, but you should go talk to her anyway," Adrien replied. 

" Well, thanks anyway," Marinette said before walking over to an aww struck Alya. 

" What?" MArinette asked as she stopped to see Alya's face. 

" Girl, you should worry about people more often," Alya said. 

" What do you mean?" Marinette asked confused. 

" You mean you don't know? You just talked to Adrien without stuttering even once! If you could do that more often you could be great!" Alya exclaimed. 

" What?! I did?! Oh my god!" Marinette said freaking out. 

" Chill out girl. You have to go to lunch with Chloe remember?" Alya reminded. Marinette sighed to convey herself and then stood up straight. 

" Right, I'll see you later," Marinette replied before walking away toward the entrance of the school. When she walked outside Marinette found Chloe and walked up toward her. 

" So, ready to go?" Marinette asked catching Chloe's attention. Chloe nodded. 

" Let's go then," Marinette said before starting to walk with Chloe down the street. 

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