Chapter 10- The Masked Minion

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Marinette smiled at the world around her sweeping past her face. She was currently in Chat's arms as he bounded onto a rooftop right next to the school. As Chat stopped he placed her onto to the ground.

" So, why are we up here again kitty," Marinette asked as she straightened out her dress.

" I promised you my identity m'lady," Chat reminded as he pulled one of the pieces of her midnight blue hair behind her ear. The memory clicked in her mind from before.

" How about we compromise?"

" Compromise?" Marinette asked with a questioned look on her face.

" Yeah, so you try to figure out if one one them is me still and I will still give hints," Chat replied.

" So, you never are going to tell me who you are?"

" You'll know on the day of your fall dance," Chat replied in her head as she remembered.

" So, you're going to tell me who you are?" Marinette asked after she had remembered. Chat looked at away in thought.

" Chat, if you don't want to tell me who you are it's ok, I won't be hurt by it," Marinette stated even though it did hurt her. Chat looked back at her. He sighed.

" You see, It's not that I don't want to show you who I am it's-," Chat voice caught in his throat.

" It's what?"

" I'm afraid that you won't like me behind the mask," Chat finished. Marinette gave him a sincere look as she used her hand to cup his cheek. He looked down at her upon feeling her touch.

" Kitty, no matter who you under the mask. I'll still love you," Marinette replied softly. It was almost of if she we're talking a scared and frightened kitten out of a box in an alleyway. Stern and forceful, but also kind and sincere. Chat could feel and hear the longing in her voice. He knew that she wanted to know, and that she needed, to know who he is. In the moment he leaned down and kissed her, which caught her by surprise, but she kissed back. After a minute he pulled away. He looked into her bluebell eyes in thoughtfulness.

" Marinette I lo-," Chat started but was cut off when Marinette was snatched out of him arms. The snatcher flew off to another building quickly. Realization hit Chat quickly once he heard Marinette yelled his name. He sprinted after them. Marinette squirmed in the man's arms.

" Stop squirming please, I'd hate to hurt the precious princess," The man snickered at the nickname devilishly. Marinette had never realized how creepy the nickname sounded until used by someone foreign to her. She cringed and almost shivered at the name that he used.

'He must have been listening to our conversion to hear the nickname,' Marinette thought as Chat landed in front of them.

" So, you are fast enough to catch me," The man said smirking. Marinette felt his grip tighten. She gasped as she realized his new intention. Chat, unfortunately, hadn't. The man moved his foot of the ledge and they descended. Chat falling quickly after them. The man smirked devilishly as they landed on the ground. Chat landed in front of him. The man threw Marinette on the ground, hard, causing her to squeal in pain.

'That'll definitely leave a bruise,' Marinette thought as she looked over to Chat's angry gaze.

" I am Mask Minion and you will give me your miraculous!" Minion stated as he leaped for Chat. As Chat started to dodge his attacks Marinette started to sit up.

" Stay down!" Minion yelled kicking Marinette against a nearby wall, causing her to cough blood. Chat became pissed. A hiss escaped his lips before pouncing on Minion angrily. Minion hit him against the opposite wall from Marinette knocking him down. Chat started to get up but was pushed back down by Minion's foot. Minion indeed was stronger than Chat for the fact that he was a man and was able to pin him down. Minion then grabbed Chat's right hand gripping it tightly. Minion chuckled in delight.

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