panic ! tag

43 8 15

@VAPOURASHTON tagged me in this and also made this tag and also i adore her and also i had to type out all the questions so she better appreciate me

1) nicotine; view on romanticism of things like smoking and drugs and mental health.

i don't think it's right to make light of  or make seem desirable things and situations that people genuinely struggle with, especially when the person doing so has never been through anything similar and that this is an issue that needs to be addressed; BUT, i also think that a lot of times things that are created to bring attention to certain topics by making them in a way that will actually get people to pay attention and talk sometimes make some people freak out and start blaming the creator for "romanticizing" instead of actually working on solutions to problems like the creator intended.                                                                                            

2) end of all things; do you believe in an afterlife? if not what do you believe in?

i'm not quite sure what i believe tbh but i don't think there's much point in thinking too much about it because at the end of the day whatever happens will happen and no amount of arguing or stressing will change it

3) girls/girls/boys; what's your sexuality and how did you realize you were it?

i'm bi but i lean more towards girls???? and i didn't really have some big realization or anything just when i was old enough to start having crushes on people i got crushes on boys and girls so i was like well i guess that's a thing now

4) sarah smiles; have you ever written a poem or song about someone? explain.

yeah i have a poetry book but pls don't read it i hate it so much i only leave it up bc angie likes it

5) impossible year; what were the best and worst times of your  life?

lmao let's not

6) that green gentleman; if you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why

australia so i wouldn't be 8,833(that is an exact number) miles away from cat anymore

7)i write sins; first panic! song you heard?

nine in the afternoon i think ?????

8) lying is the most fun; if you had a pet goldfish what would you name it?

well i have a beta fish named baz so there you go

9) collar full; if you had to live with one person for he rest of your life, who would it be?

lmao idk everyone i know would get too tired of me for that to work out

i tag no one bc i dont have any friends

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