Day 5: Favorite t.v. show and why

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Mayowa was bored. That was a problem. When she was bored, she started to think. When she started to think, she got depressed. When she got depressed, she got angry. When she got angry, she got heartbroken. When she got heartbroken, she cried. Mayowa didn’t like to cry.

She wandered aimlessly around the abandoned house, her ghostly tendrils floating through the air, until a little noise brought her out of her reverie. Curious, she drifted towards the sound.

Poking her head through the door, she was amazed to see a small child sitting in front of a strange, thin box that was attached to the wall. On the front of the box was a colorful picture. Not only was the picture colorful, but it was moving. Mayowa gasped. She had never seen one of these before. It must have been magic.

Gathering her nerves, she pushed the rest of her body through the door traveling towards the magic box. She did her best to ignore all of the other boxes around the room. This wasn’t the time to let her curiosity take over.

The small child sighed and pressed the buttons on a smaller box. Mayowa watched in awe as the magic box switched from picture to picture, all of them moving and talking. Finally, a picture of a boy with long brown hair doing a karate kick came on and the small child squealed in joy.

“… and no matter how much I chop and punch it’s not as cool as kickin’ it with you!” the kid sang along with the magic box. Kickin’ It. What a weird title. The song ended and the picture changed into some type of town square with tables and weird looking trees. Intrigued, Mayowa sat down next to the child, taking in the magical show. She had to remember to keep focused to stop herself from floating through the floor.

“Timmy,” a feminine voice called from somewhere in the distance, shaking Mayowa out of her transfixed state. “Where are you?”

“I’m watching T.V. mom!” the child called back. So that’s what this strange contraption was called. Teevee. Mayowa like the sound of that. She said it in her head over and over again, continuing even when Timmy went downstairs for lunch. He turned off the teevee when he left, but Mayowa didn’t mind. She had liked the picture that was on. She liked the Jack’s hair, Jerry’s personality, and Milton’s smarts. She liked the fighting. Most of all, she liked how it was different. Yes, everything was much different than how it was back in 1359.

Mayowa liked different. I mean, she kind of had to. She was a ghost, after all.

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