Day 28

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Heh, I only have one hour left of March 28. I'm squeezing it in, guys!

God, I hate clothes. Not, in that way, I like wearing clothes, but I honestly don’t give a crap what I’m wearing, as long as it does its job. If you catch my drift.

With that being said, my favorite outfit is my super comfortable royal bones jeans (one leg is black and grey stars while the other is black and grey stripes), my amazing avenged sevenfold hoodie/sweater/whatever people these days are calling it (It’s the really thick shirt with the hood, but no zipper), and my black and white converse.

As you can see, I don’t like a lot of color in my outfit. I don’t even know why, but when I put on a colorful outfit to go to school, I feel… uncomfortable in my skin.  It’s the weirdest thing ever.

So, yes. Sometimes, if I’m not going anywhere important, I’ll put on my uggs. As much as I hate the design, I’ve gotta admit, those things are damn comfortable.

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