Day 16: Zodiac Sign

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I am the wonderful Sagittarius! Yeah! What the heck does a Sagittarius even do? Um… *Looks up on Google.*

Oh. Well let’s see.

The website I used said that Sagittarius women are vivacious, funny, self-assured, and sophisticated. It’s true, I’m very vivacious. Almost to a fault. Am I funny? Hell yes. I’m hilarious. Bow before me. Self-assured? Depends on the situation. I can’t deal with scenarios when I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, or where I fit it. Sophisticated? I think this word can sum up my personality. I don’t even understand myself.

The website also said that I need intellectual challenge throughout my life. Well, let me tell you, that’s a yes. I need something to keep me occupied. I love learning, so BRAINS! Give me brains.

The site also said that I was highly successful at what I set my eyes to. Heck yeah. I wanted to play volleyball, so I started playing. A year later, look at that. You’re playing at a higher level than the girls who have been playing as little kids. I wanted to learn to play the bass, one lesson later, I’ve got it down. Same with the flute. And the piano. And the guitar.

Whoa, this thing is crazy accurate. It said that I like tomboyish stuff over formal wear. So true. I have, like 30 pairs of jeans. Do I even own a skirt? *Digs in the back of the closet* Found one! But it’s from when I was 7, so I don’t think that counts. Or does it?

Yes, I’m athletic and I like to work out, but only in fun ways, such as running, or playing volleyball. Yes, I hate perfume and such. Wow. I don’t know how to feel about this accuracy. Huh.


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