The Search & Anna Heartfilia - Chapter 4

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Gajeel's pov

Shrimp has been working hard on finding Blondie. I looked at the map of Fiore. Magic X's placed where we failed to find her. Blondie where the hell are you? I looked at Natsu. He sat with his hands crossed behind his head & his elbows on his knees. "Hey ash brains if you think to hard you'll start smoking." I said smirking. He just continued to sit there. "Natsu, Erza go to Hunting village, Gray & Wendy go to Beanstalk village." He stood up & ran out with Erza. "Hey shrimp why are you helping them? What if they hurt her again?" "They won't & I'm ready if they do." I chuckled. "That's my girl." I mumbled quitely. "What Gajeel?" She asked no even looking up for the map. "Nothing." I chuckled & walked away.

Lucy's pov

It's been a complete year & I sat on the stump for days & I slowly got it the orb to glow. Eventually it was a steady glow. I even got it to glow with one hand. "Great job Lucy." Loki said smiling at me. "Thanks." I smiled back. "Ready to learn those spells." I nodded.

Angelic soul

This spell gives the Castor the ability to Call the Spirit of the 12 golden keys to combine with them to create an Angel of peace. The castor gets the abilities of each spirit. But be warned this spell may kill castor if magic power not powerful enough.

Heavens glow

This spell gives the Castor the ability to protect loved one & defeat enemies at once. But be warned this spell may kill castor if magic power not powerful enough.

As I read the two spells thousandth times I wondered whatever happened to Anna Heartfilia. "Open gate of the Southern cross Crux!" I summoned. "Hey Lucy?" "Who was Anna Heartfilia?" "Lucy you know I can give out information about other Celestrial mages, but since she is you ancestor I will." He snored with a bubble coming out his nose as I thought Who was Anna Heartfilia? Why haven't I heard about her before? "Lucy I have information on Anna Heartfilia. She was a amazing wizard. She was the first Celestrial mage, she made the first contact & she looked a lot like you & your mother. She was a strong woman. Brave, smart, beautiful, kind, & She protected her spirits. She lived a full life, she fell in love, she had kids, & she lost her love, but she died using the last of her magic energy to create two spells to defeat the unworld king." He said sadly. "Anna Heartfilia was a wonderful woman & you resemble her so much." I smiled. "Thank you crux for your help." He smiled & disappeared.

Anna Heartfila a great wizard & first Celestrial wizard. Why didn't anyone tell me. "Oh Lucy there you are? How have you been?" I turned around to see Master Mavis. "What?! But how can I see you I don't have my mark anymore?" She smiled. "But you have us in your heart." She said simply. "You know we're trying to find you that's why I'm here." "Master Mavis please don't tell them where I am I'm not ready to come back." Master Mavis sighed "Fine I'll let you stay hidden for now, but when I come back for you, you will be coming home." I didn't answer as she left. They're still in my heart?....."Lucy ready to train?" Loki asked.

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