The Two years - Chapter 10

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Natsu's pov

In the last two years I've trained, taken on two dark guild that where working together, & increased my magic power. This not a day that I don't think about Lucy & the guild. While Happy & I were on are mission we heard Fairy Tail was doing well. I we got on the train & sat down. I hate the train but happy is tired so I'm not going to make him fly. It's been a while since we have been back to the guild. I wonder what has changed. I wonder if they have changed. The train started to move & I immediately felt sick.

???'s pov

It's been eight days & I get to go home finally. I can't wait to see everyone! I danced around my room. "My dear you're awake." The old man smiled. "Yeah & I'm ready to go home." I said leaving the room. "Wait young lady I have to tell you something." He yell after me. "What now?" I whined. "Time works differently here. You've been going for two years." He said nonchalantly. "What?! I mean that explains why I healed so quickly & why my hair is so long, but how." "Because one day here is 3 months in earthland." My jaw dropped. "Well come on do you want to go home or not?" I nodded following him. We stopped at a big blue door. "Now once you walked through that door you need to go to the middle of the platform. Ok?" I nodded & said goodbye. I stood where he told me to. A flash of golden light swallowed me.

Erza's pov

It was a normal day in the guild. Mira & the girls are talking, the boys are aways yelled & Cana is drinking. It's been hard the past two years for us, but we made it through. I walked through the guild to my table. Mira brought me my cake. "Please Gajeel I win that game last night & you know it." Gray said. "You know Gray you use to compete with Natsu. Now you compete with Gajeel." I said taking a bite of cake. "Well Natsu has been gone for two years, so Gajeel & I will mess with him." He fist bumped Gajeel.

The Guild door slowly opened as a bright light came through.  "Hey everyone I'm home." That voice it can't be. I don't believe it. A girl with long blonde hair & brown eyes walked in. "Lucy?...But you died. Two years ago." Mira said. "Well I didn't actually died. I was taken to a part of the celestrial spirit world." She said. "Wait how do we know you're own Lucy?" Gray asked. "We've switched body's." She said blankly. Gray chuckles & hugged her. We all ran to her. "Guys I can't breathe." We gave her some space as she sat down at a table. "Lucy how did you survive? We saw you..." "The celestrial king pull me from here to save me & the last bit of magic power I had left. I would've came home soon but one day in the celestrial world is 3 months here." She said simply.

"I know I've missed alot. & I want to know everything. Starting with the fact of why Gray's arm is around Juiva." She said slyly. Gray blushed. " & Levy are dating!" He yelled changing the subject. "Gray asked me out a year & a half ago." Juiva said giggling. "Aww Gray has feelings. Gray has feelings. Gray has feelings." I chanted making fun of him. "Shut up!" He yelled. Everyone laughed. "So what else is new?" We talked a hours everyone started going back to normal. "Lucy aren't you going to ask about....Natsu?" I asked. "We all know how you feel about him." Her face saddened. "I was wondering how he was doing but I don't think I can face him." "Natsu left the guild on a mission after you funeral. He should be house in the next few days." I said. "Lucy do you still love him?" Gray asked. "Gray it felt like only eight days for me. Of course I do, but he's possible with Lisanna or someone else." "He's not with Lisanna. Bickslow & her started dating three months ago." Gray stated. "Lucy there one thing we owe you. Lucy we're sorry for how we treated you. We're sorry for the pain we put you through. Can you ever forgive us?" I bowed. "Yes I can." She smiled.

Natsu's pov

I got off the train feeling dizzy. I sat down on a bench. "Hey Natsu do you want to stop by Lucy's grave?" Happy asked. "Yeah lets do that little buddy." I smiled. We walked to the grave yard. I stood in front of her grave & smiled softly. I kneed down in front of it. "Wish you where still here so I can tell you that I love you. I'm sorry I wish you would come back to me." I smiled sadly. "Come on Happy let's go to the Guild." He nodded. "Race you." He bolted for the guild. I ran after him. He open the doors to the guild & stopped. "Cheater." I chuckled catching up to him. He didn't respond. "What's wrong buddy?" I asked standing in front of him. "Natsu?" A small angelic voice called out. I froze. "Happy please tell me I dreaming." He shook his head as he had tears in his eyes. "Natsu?" I slowly turned around. My eyes widened as I stared at a blonde hair brown eyed girl the looked like my Lucy. She smiled nervously. "Hey Natsu." Happy flew passed me. "Luuusheeeee!" He crying against her. She hugged him. "Hey happy." She looked up at me. I stepped back. It can't be I saw her die in my arms. But It is her. It looks like her, it smells like her. She came back. "Natsu?" She walked towards me. I ran out of the guild. I ran away from her.

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