Chapter One

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Ginny stared at her skinny figure in the dormitory mirror. The war had taken a toll, and although it was over, recovery was difficult. She knew that she was lucky to be alive, and for that she was so grateful, but it still bothered her. Her weight had dropped significantly with the stress, and lack of her mother's care. What would Harry think? She sighed. It was so stupid, thinking about that at a time like this. Her brother was dead, her friends were dead, her boyfriend had died and then came back to life, but here she was, worrying about her appearance. She turned away, her slim figure deflating like a balloon. It was too much. She didn't want to talk to anyone, but she also needed to talk to someone about what was happening to her. But she couldn't. Harry, Hermione and Ron were out of the question, and she couldn't talk to Neville. The teachers were busy repairing the castle, and she didn't want to leave the girls dorm, the only unscathed part of the castle. She had to tell someone about this hell in her head, but she couldn't think of anyone who would understand. Ginny opened her eyes, realizing that she had sunk to the floor and was rocking back and forth in a ball. Who had she become? She was not the girl she had been two years ago. Ginny sat up. She had to do something. She stood, her feet and mind unsteady. Starting towards the door, she stumbled a little, lurching towards the ground. Ginny reached out for something to catch her, anything to keep her from hitting the ground, and latched onto a hand.

It was Luna's.

Ginny looked up at her savior. The blonde smiled serenely down, her soft blue eyes somehow calming. Ginny stood once more, this time much more steadily. "Are you alright?" Luna inquired. "Yes, um, yeah. I'm alright." Ginny stuttered. "Would be kind of stupid if I survived the war, but died of tripping on a rock." She forced a laugh. Luna giggled. "That would be sad. Luckily I saved you." Ginny smiled. "Yeah."
She felt a sort of lift in her chest, not sure what emotion had made her feel so light. The heavy depression she had felt earlier disappeared, and she gasped a little with the tingling she felt inside her.

Playlist: "All We Do" Oh Wonder, "Midnight Moon" Oh Wonder, "California" The Lagoons

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