Chapter Eight

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"Students, I would like to interrupt your classes with an announcement concerning a seventh year classmate, by the name of Luna Lovegood. The young woman has gone missing recently, and we do not know if this child is in danger. Be on the lookout. If she is in fact, somehow trapped by one of the members of the Death Eaters, we must be vigilant, and take all safety precautions necessary in this time of crisis. Stay safe, and stay on watch. Thank you, now return to your classes."
The Great Hall panicked.
"Neville! Neville, where are you?" Ginny hollered over the students. While the Slytherin table quietly whispered theories, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw exploded with noise and rage at the fate of their friend. Hufflepuff, in the mean time, was busy doing several things. There were yellow robes dashing towards Slytherin, and red robes being dragged to Ravenclaw. Professors cast charms over tables to calm down the children, while house elves took away the food that had been there moments before.
Ginny had to climb onto the table to look over the sea of children, finally spotting her friend, shaking while students around him lost their minds.
"Neville! Neville, over here!" Ginny screeched, but the crowd was too overpowering, and her cries never reached him.
She leapt off the table, and began to make her way towards him, but her path was so obstructed, she ended up farther away from where she started.
The crowd was suffocating, making Ginny grow frantic with claustrophobia.
"Oh Merlin, Luna, where are you?"

While Ginny was worrying in the Great Hall, Luna was miles away.
She had on Muggle clothes, with a backpack full of her favorite books and clothes, along with a few pounds she had earned from small wandless magic tricks she had performed.
As she turned past a bar, she heard some men yelling at her.
"'Ello, love. Where are you off to 'm such a hurry? We've go' plenny of room 'ere. C'mon."
Luna walked faster, her heart pounding. She remembered the last time this had happened, boys yelling at her in the Three Broomsticks, but that time Neville was there. She was fine, then. But nobody was here now. As the men were distracted by a poor brunette, Luna picked up her pace and raced to a Muggle drink place to think. She didn't know what to do, and she wanted Ginny there. She didn't care about anything that had happened between them, she didn't care that she had probably ruined everything. But it would be impossible for Ginny to be here, when she had disappeared without telling anyone.
She didn't even know how to get home. She had disapparated from outside of Hogwarts, and she dismissed all the protection spells that were set, not thinking about how she would get back. It was poor planning on her part, but she could surely find a way back.

Did Luna really want to go back to Hogwarts?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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