Chapter Four

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"Did you hear?" "What will Harry say?" "I can't believe it. Ginny and Luna?"

Ginny could hear every whisper as they walked past the tables in the Great Hall. She didn't care what they said, rumors never bothered her. The only thing that scared her was Harry's reaction. She didn't know if she should lie, and say that they were just whispers, or confess to him. It was driving her mad, the wait. She felt frozen, unable to make the first move, unable to bring up the topic.
Ginny had started to like Harry because of his nerve, his bravery, and, if she was honest, his untouchable specialness, the lightning scar that singled him out against the rest. But now she had seen him without the scar, seen him as human, and although she still cared for him, it wasn't the same thrill she had felt when she first met him.
It wasn't like Luna, who could always see the bright side, who knew the limit to a person, who could make you laugh at a little thing, who loved all living things, who treated everyone, no matter their social status, as her equal. And although Harry had some things Luna did not, Ginny knew it was the same. She couldn't lie to Harry, he needed to know.
She reached Harry's table. She knew he had heard the rumors, he looked at her with strange eyes. Looking at Ron and Hermione for support, he took a deep breath and stood up. 

"Uh, well, y'see Ginny, I've been hearing rumors. And I know it's probably nothing, but I just needed to hear it from you. Um, are you..." He trailed off, unable to continue. "Do you love Luna?" Hermione blurted out, unable to restrain herself. "It's just that you've been spending so much time with her, and I know you sort of liked girls, which is fine, but-" Ron butted in, growing a little red. "No, it's not! My sister can't be gay!" Hermione shrieked that they hadn't won the war for him to be upset that his sister liked the same gender, and Harry screamed that he can't make snap judgments like that. 

"Shut up! Stop it! Stop yelling and screaming at each other about me when I'm standing right here!" Ginny bellowed, her freckled face red and blushing with rage. "I do love Luna! And I don't care what you have to say, because it isn't going to change anything. I loved you Harry, I really did," Ginny turned to face the boy, and he leaned back, a little repulsed and a little scared. "But it wasn't enough for me. I can't be with you, I don't love you like that anymore." She then whirled around to face Ron, her eyes not pleading as they were with Harry, but murderous. "And you. You talk as if you were a Death Eater!" A few students turned with a face of fear at the word. "You act like I would taint your family blood, like I would destroy the family name by being gay. You bloody ass! I can't believe, after all those years of Mum and Dad teaching us that being Pureblood doesn't make you higher than everyone else, after all those times we were treated like dirt for being poor, or kind to Muggleborns, after all that, you say that me being gay is as bad as being a Mudblood. You maggot! You filthy worm! If I am disowned for my sexuality, I will be glad. I would never  want to be related to you." Ginny stormed off, her head held high, but fuming with rage.

Playlist: "Somebody Told Me" The Killers, "Sabotage" Beastie Boys, "Welcome to Paradise" Green Day, "Seven Nation Army" The White Stripes

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