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In which Sha'lain'a is a master Atlantean Sorceress, Healer, and Herbalist, and passes everything on to her perfect son.

That gif just goes perfectly with the prompt, doesn't it? XD

Robin moaned in pain, sounding just a bit over-the-top, as he lay dramatically on the couch, casted leg propped up on a tower of pillows.

"Okay, we get it, Rob, you're in pain, and you don't have any superpowers that make everything feel better, we get it! But we're still not you're loyal slaves!" Wally snapped.

Robin stopped mid-moan, glaring up at his best friend. "The stupid painkillers aren't working. Isn't there like, some kind of magical, omnipotent medicine the League has developed. to make everything better?" He looked directly at Zatanna who shook her head.

"Sorry, boy wonder, healing spells aren't my mojo. If I ended up doing it wrong, I could break your other leg, or give you huge sores all over, or accidentally rearrange every orfice on your face."

Robin and Wally laughed at that mental image.

"No, I'm serious, I've seen it happen." Zatanna told them matter-of-factly. The boys went dead silent. 

"Just get some rest and stay off your leg, that's the only way it'll heal," Connor said, handing Robin the milkshake he'd asked for.

"I'll make you some cookies, how about that?" M'gann offered.

Robin grumbled, sourly sipping his milkshake.

"Here," Kaldur stepped into the lounge, carefully stirring something in a small glass, "Robin, drink all of this."

"What is it?" Robin asked, taking the funny-looking drink from Kaldur. 

"One of the potions we have in Atlantis for such occasions as injuries and headaches."

Wally sniffed the glass and nearly barfed. "I didn't know you were a doctor, Kal." He said through a nose pinched shut.

"I am not one of your surface-world doctors, but my mother is an Atlantean healer. She taught me many basic spells and potions before I joined the Atlantean military. They have come in quite handy since becoming a hero." He said. 

"So you've used this on yourself before?" Robin asked nervously, still studying the odd concoction. 

"Yes, it is perfectly safe to drink, it will not poison you." Kaldur promised.

Robin downed it all in one gulp, doing his best to keep his stomach from pushing it all back up. 

"Everything looks all wibbly-wobbly..." He slurred. Then he fell back on the pillows, snoring loudly.

"Um..." Artemis looked at Robin suspiciously. "Is it supposed to do that?"

"Yes, I did not say it would heal his leg, I said it helped with injuries and headaches. Robin will get the rest he needs and we will not need to listen to his complaining." Kaldur explained.

"You sly dog!" Wally slung his arm around Kaldur's shoulders. "You are my hero!"

"Mine too," Connor grunted.

M'gann shrugged. "I've still got cookies, if anyone wants some!"  Connor, Artemis, and Wally hurried over the kitchen to help her out.

"So," Zatanna sidled up to Kaldur with a sneaky grin. "Do you really know any healing potions? Or was that a front to get him to drink it?"

"My mother did teach me many things about healing. The one Robin took will help with alleviate the pain when he awakens, but I know various other potions that I have used on myself from time to time, when the League's medical center could not work.

"Hmm," Zee tapped her chin. "Any chance you got something to stop acne?"

Kaldur smiled at her, taking a cookie from M'gann's offered platter. "Saltwater."

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