I love you (Anxiety x Princey)

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Anything in italics is me (the author) randomly commenting on things, yelling at the characters, intervening with the story and stuff like that
Anxiety POV:
It was the early hours of the morning. 3:00 am to be exact. I couldn't sleep, I had this feeling in my stomach that wouldn't go away. Maybe I'm sick? I don't get sick easily so that's probably not it. Also this one person keeps coming into my mind.

Sick. Sureeeeee

Princey. His face keeps crossing my mind. The few hours I got of sleep, he was in my dreams. That's all I remember.

I was really hungry so I walked downstairs to the kitchen. That was my first mistake.

I'm a very clumsy person. Clumsy plus dark plus stairs don't go well together. I stepped to far and fell down all of the stairs.

Romans room is right next to the stairs. I heard his door open and the lights turned on. I'm screwed.

He rubbed his tired eyes and looked around to see what had happened. He was so cute when he was tired. His hair was a mess he was in pajamas. He was so cute. Like really really cute. Like hi I'm gay, cute.

No no no anxiety shut up you do not like him. This will only hurt you in the end. Stop.

You can't push away the gay anx. You can try but it won't work.

I pushed away these thoughts and made a small noise in pain as I tried to stand up. Roman apparently herd me. He walked down the stairs stumbleing from being so tired.

It was kinda cute. Who am I kidding it was really cute. He was hot, not gonna lie. I'm so glad that he can't see my thoughts.

As he got closer the feeling in my stomach returned. How could I be so stupid? They were butterflies. I was getting butterflies thinking about Roman. But why? I mean that doesn't make sense.

*throws rainbow glitter* gay. Gay. GAY.

"A-anxiety are you ok?" Worry filled his voice.
"Ya I'm fan-fluffing-tastic! What do you think? I fell down the stairs. I think I broke something" I mumbled the last part hopping he wouldn't hear. But of course he did.

He walked over to me and picked me up. I winced in pain. I landed hard on my leg when I fell.


"You're hurt. I'm taking you to Mo and Logan. They'll know what to do"

"But they're sleeping. It's three in the morning. Why are you even awake" I complained.

"I know but you're hurt, and hey why are you accusing me of being up? You're the one falling down stairs next to my room at three in the morning and waking people up! I should be asking why you are up. Why aren't you sleeping. You need sleep you know" his voice went from angry to concerned real quick.

"I did sleep for a little bit but then I started getting this strange fluttery feeling in my stomach and this one person wouldn't leave my mind. Also I was hungry. " I stated.

Romans eyes widened. "A fluttery feeling? You mean like butterflies. And a person in your mind. You like someone don't you!" His voice did that weird thing that people's do when they are accusing you of liking someone. You know that thing with the voice. Ya whatever.

*throws rainbow flag* *whispers* gay

"What! No! At least I don't think so. I mean I have the fluttery felling right now and only your here so that would mean that something is wrong with me or-" I connected the dots. I like Roman. And I just told him that. I'm so stupid. I can feel my face heating up and I see Romans expression turn into shock.

I'm still in his arms. I remember my dream. In my dream we kissed. I want that to actually happen. I think I really like him. I decide that I'm going to do it. I can't feel anything else right now. My own anxiety is silenced by this new emotion. Love. Before Roman can say anything I grab his face and kiss him.

*was about to throw a rainbow cake but dropped it to scream Bc that's gay*

He kissed back. I was not expecting that. I pulled away and said "I-I think I-no I know I love you Roman. A lot." What I he doesn't return my feelings. What if he hates me. So many what ifs flew through my head and then something happened.

"I-I love you too. As if that wasn't obvious. But now we need to take you to Logan to see what's wrong ok?"

All I could manage was a nod of my head and a short "I love you".

*picks up cake off of the floor and throws it* GAY shoot gotta run I got cake on Princey. Please don't kill me.

A/N: so this was kinda rushed but hey oh well. I hope you liked it.

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