So close yet so far

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OTP Roman and Anxiety

Anxiety POV:

"Roman! Watch where you are going" he stepped on my shoe again. This has to be the fifth time today.
"Why don't you watch where you are going anxiety? Ever think of that?" I wanted to slap that stupid smirk right off his face,...with my a kiss.

Why must these thoughts come to my mind!

"I feel as if you're trying to step in my foot on purpose!"

"Maybe I am, maybe it's because you are the last cookie. The ones that I MADE!? I put a lot of hard work into to those and you just had to eat the last one!" I'm pretty sure that Patton and Logan where aware of us fighting by now.

" I didn't touch you're stupid cookies! I didn't even know that you made cookies!" I yelled back.

"As if! I watched you eat the last cookie! They where the blue ones, I made the for a very specific reason. I made them in honor of Sally Jackson, she's not dead she's just amazing! You are the last cookie!"

Then the realization hit me. I did eat the last cookie. They where blue chocolate chip and had a sign that said "anxiety do but eat these cookies". What was I supposed to do! Not eat the cookies!?

"Ooohh those cookies?"I could feel my face heating up.

"YES THOSE COOKIES!?" I think I made Roman pretty mad at me.

"I-I may have eaten the last cookie" I looked down at the ground, avoiding eye contact. I felt really bad. I ate the cookies he made in honor of Sally Jackson, I'm so sorry Sally.

"I expect an apology!" Romans voice was a lot higher than before for some reason.

"Fine, " I rolled my eyes "I'm sorry Sally for eating your cookies,"

"I meant apologize to ME!" Roman raised his voice. I could feel something bad was going to happen.

"Apologize to you! No way! I only ate that cookie because you are my pizza and are always hogging the T,V in the common watching stupid Disney movies!" I was yelling now.

Roman let out a gasp "y-you take that back right now! Disney movies are but stupid!" He had tears welling in his eyes, I had crossed the line, but of course I kept going.

"Yes they are Roman! They don't even make sense! Everyone falls in love in the end! What are supposed to get from the movies, there's to many feelings for it to be enjoyable!" Of course non of this was true. I loved Disney movies but I couldn't let him know. I couldn't let any one in. I couldn't let any one see. I put up the hood to my jacket, this way he couldn't see my face super well.

"Oh shut up anxiety!" He was about to walk off when I shouted after him, " make me"

He turned around and glared at me. "Fine," he walked over to me. Our faces where about an inch away, there was a small gap that could be easily closed. He reached up to my face that had to be redder than a tomato by now.

His hands got closer. He then did something I wasn't expecting.

He pulled the draw strings on my jacket, making the hood close tightly around my face. I couldn't see, or speak for that matter. "I win," he then made it as if he was walking away, but he did t walk away. He came up behind me and took my hood off. Our faces where close, closer than last time.

I decided I would take this moment to do something that I had always wanted to do. I looked him in the eye, then looked at his lips. He leaned closer and then I punched him in the arm.

"Sorry Princey but it looks like I win!"

I looked him in the eye, got closer to him and kissed his cheek. He was still in shock from the punch and his face was priceless.

I skipped off to my room, trying but to freak out about what I had just done.

I kissed Princey.

A/N: hello friends! I have finally updated, sorry that took so long'! I hope that you liked it.

Here is the prompt that I used:

If you have any suggestions for what I should right next you can DM me or whatever it is called!

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If you have any suggestions for what I should right next you can DM me or whatever it is called!

-748 words-

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