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Yup. Hi I am alive. I haven't written anything in a while. I am lazy and have no motivation or creativity. I have not published a real chapter in over a year. I am really sorry. I didn't realize that it had been so long. Wow. Yup. Well enjoy some analogical.

I realized I haven't been putting in those author note things in random places like I used to and I should start doing it again.
So ya anything in wooo italics is me
-I have not read over this again because I am honestly too lazy and I don't feel like reading my own work so if there are mistakes I'm sorry-

Virgil's p.o.v:

"Logan," I walk behind Logan starting to get annoyed and slightly worried. "Logan," He continues to look at the large very confusing map he is holding. "LOGAN!"
He puts down the map and turns quickly to look at me with a very annoyed look on his face. "What,"
"Are we lost," "...No.." I raise my eyebrows and step closer to him. "You paused, we're lost aren't we"

We're lost in the woods somewhere in New Jersey and we're never going to make it to LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Ignore me sorry.

I look around at the tall trees around us, its starting to get darker. We are lost in the woods, at night, why me. Why did I let Logan convince me to go on a hike in the woods before eating dinner. I don't think Patton and Roman even know we are gone. Not like they are going to notice, they are having a Disney movie marathon.

Treeeeees. Where's Evan? That boyyo loves treees

I look back to where Logan was standing. He's not there anymore. I guess this is what I get for not paying attention and just living in my own head. "Logan?" I call out. No response. "Logan" I say again a little louder, I am starting to become really worried. "LOGAN"


I look around trying to see if I can find him, my breathing becoming fast short breaths. I don't know where he is. I am lost in the woods alone. I'm starting to get dizzy, I find a tree and sit against it. "Logan" I say softly. It's starting to get darker, I hate being alone in the dark. "Logan, wh-where are y-you, L-Logan," I say barely audible. The trees start to become blurry as tears fill my eyes. I wish to be anywhere but here right now, I wish I was with Logan.

All I can say right now is same and that's probably not good also I GIVE YOU HUGS VIRG ITS GOING TO BE OK

My heart is racing now and I can't think. All of my thoughts are just jumbled together. I feel the tears run down my cheeks. "Logan, where, where are y-you," It's getting even darker now and I am starting to shake. I am going to be lost forever out here in the woods, alone. Reaching inside the pockets of my hoodie I pull out my phone and my headphones. Soon I realized my phone is dead, great, now I can't listen to music to calm down nor can I call Logan or someone for help. Out of frustration I throw my phone at a tree across from me and pull me knees to my chest. More tears drip down my face. I guess I really am lost.

(I was just going to end it here and make a part two but we all know that I would never get around to doing that)


Logan p.o.v:

"You paused, we're lost aren't we" I hear Virgil say.

Logan. You little shit. You're lost. Admit it you absolute quiznak

I don't want to admit it but yes, we are lost. I turn back around and look at the map, I then slowly realize that I was holding the map upside down. Whatever you do, don't tell Roman, he would never let me forget that I got lost in the woods because I was looking at the map upside down. Studying the map I find the way that we are actually supposed to go and begin heading I'm that direction, assuming that Virgil is right behind me.

I got you. I won't tell Roman. I might tell Patton...

It's been about 40 minutes since I figured out which way to go, It's almost completely dark outside but I see the edge of the forest a couple feet ahead of me. "Virgil look, we are almost out of the forest," no response, I assume he's just listening to his music but I should probably make sure that he knows. I turn around and find that he is not listening to music, he is no where in sight. My smile fades as worry spreads across my face. It's almost completely dark out, where could he be. "VIRGIL!? VIRGIL!?" I call out a couple of times, I receive no response. "Maybe I should try calling his phone, SIRI call Virgil," *SIRI Voice* "Calling 'Virgil'"

Hmm. I bet Virgil has a cute name in your phone doesn't he Logan.. you just change it when you're around him don't you ;)

It rings for what seems like forever before eventually going to voicemail, I call him a couple more times before coming to the conclusion that his phone must be dead. "This is all my fault, I shouldn't have forced him to come, I should have checked and made sure he was behind me," Tears begin to build up, I blink them away, I can't cry, I don't cry, I won't cry. "M-maybe if I go back to where I last saw h-him.... may-maybe he'll be there... I'm coming for you Virgil, I will find you," I sprint in the direction that I came from, It may be a 40 minute walk but maybe if I run I'll be able to find him sooner.


—Hi, Sorry I am ending it here for now because I can't think and also I am worried that I will forget to finish and then publish this over the weekend since I am busy and I start school again on Monday, that's fun. Well since school is starting I will probably start writing this instead of doing homework. Such a smart idea right? I will make a part two, if there isn't a part two out by next week feel free to message me and remind me because I will probably forget. So ya, you finally get a new chapter after over a year. I am sorry for being so bad at writing and updating??? yup, cool hope you are all having a good day/night. Peace out my dudes. -

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