As you wish

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Anxietys POV:

There he was. Sitting in his throne like chair in front of the T.V. He was watching Moana and he looked like a small child, so interested in the movie. That's one of the things I love about him.

I wanted so badly to tell him that I loved him. I wanted so badly to be able to call him mine. I just wasn't good with any of that stuff.

I was leaning over the kitchen counter, (like this: there was a photo of me here but I hate it so no)

All I was going was staring at him. I mean how could you not, he was adorable.

Just as long as he didn't see my staring at him I would be fine. How did he manage to be so cute while doing nothing?

All of a sudden prince turned his head. We made eye contact. I could feel my face heating up.

"Where you staring at me?" He had turned his whole body to look at me. Damn, he is so hot.

"Uh- maybe? Why would you care?" Ugg I'm hopelessly in love with Roman, I can't even think straight.
"It's kind of weird anxiety. Could you maybe not stair at me?" He looked away from me. "What should I do then, your majesty? Any other demands?" I did a little bow.

"Ya," he turned back to his movie, " get me some gummy bears, but only the read ones."

"As you wish," I turned back to the kitchen and put all the read gummies into a bowl.

---------Princey POV:------------)
I heard some shuffling come from the kitchen shortly after I asked anxiety to get me gummy bears. There was no way it was him. I know him, he probably ignored me and walked away to sulk in the darkness of his room.

I heard someone clear their voice. I look up and saw anxiety holding a bowl.

"Here Princey" he shoved the bowl into my hands and walked away. He was smiling. Wait a minute. Anxiety was smiling? That's not right, something is going on.

I looked into the bowl and saw that it was filled with red gummy bears. He actually get them for me. I pushed my thoughts away and didn't question it. I mean I had food and a Disney movie, what more could I want.

You want Anxiety a thought in my mind said. You want to call him yours, you want him to love you like you love him. I tried pushing these thought away but they wouldn't leave. I was hopelessly in love with Anxiety.

I started to notice something strange. Any time Morality or Logjc asked him for something he would roll his eyes or start complaint about it being to much work, but any time I asked for something he would say As you wish and walk of and do whatever I said. I don't understand why this is happening.

----Logan's POV----
"Goodbye morality," I closed the door. I had just finished talking to Patton about anxiety and how strange he had been acting. He's been doing whatever Roman asks him to do and answering with "as you wish ".Morality brought up the movie "the princess bride" or something like that.

He told me about how one character does whatever the other asks by answering "as you wish" and it's really their way of saying I love you. He also said that it was Anxietys favorite movie.

It was obvious that Anxiety liked Roman and that Roman liked Anxiety. Anxiety was trying to flirt with Roman but Roman has never seen that movie so we came up with a plan. On our next movie night which is so conveniently tomorrow, we will show that movie without telling anxiety or Roman. Roman will finally understand that anxiety loved him.

---fast forward to movie night,3rd person POV---

At around 9:00 pm everyone gathered in Thomas's living room.
"Logan why won't you tell us what movie we are watching"
"Because Patton and I want to surprise you. "
"Can we just start the movie already?" Patton begged.
Logan look at Patton lovingly "of course," he gave him a quick peck in the lips.
"Get. A. Room. " anxiety threw some popcorn at the two who were now blushing and holding hands.
Roman whacked him lightly on the shoulder "stop being mean"
"As you wish"
Everyone sat down. Logan and Patton cuddled up on the couch, Thomas on the other end of the couch, and anxiety and Roman on the floor. The sat close but not touching close.

Anxiety wanted to move closer but decided against it. When he noticed what movie was playing his jaw fell open in shock. He looked up at Patton and Logan with an annoyed look on his face. All the did was smirk.

Anxiety froze as he heard the line. The line that told Prince everything. The line that told him the anxiety loved him. Princey didn't seem to connect the dots.

Half way through the movie anxiety felt his eyes closing. He fell over to one side and landed on something that wasn't the ground, not caring what it was he fell asleep. Little did he know it was Romans lap.

Roman looked down at the sleeping trait in his lap. He smiled thinking 'this is what I want'. Roman started falling asleep. By the end if the movie Roman was leaned against the couch with anxietys head in his lap. Romans arms tightly around anxietys waste, both fast asleep.

Logan woke a sleeping Patton and pointed to the two on the floor. Patton being the fanboy he was screamed at the cute sight. This woke the two right up.
"Roman? Could you let go of me so I could sit up?"
"As you wish"
There was another loud squeal from Patton. "Roman? Every time that I aswered you with as you wish, I was really saying I love you." An curt tried to hide the blush by looking down but Roman put a hand under his chin. "I love you too my dear emo"
"Roman, " "yes anxiety" "can I be your boyfriend?" "As you wish" there was another scream from Patton and then a short but sweet kiss shared between Anxiety and Roman.

"This is the most fun I've ever had," anxiety said smiling. Roman tackled him in a hug, and all you could hear was laughing and the sound of Patton screaming in the background.

This was a random idea that popped in my head so I had to write it. I know it's not the best but I hope you liked it any ways. I am also working on a request at the moment, I will finish that ASAP. Hope you liked it

---1120 words---

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