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We were all at the office; Mark, Amy, Tyler, Kathryn, me, and of course Chica and Sydney. The grown ups werre sitting at our computers, while Sydney was playing with Chica.

Sydney is starting to say names. She can say 'Daddy', 'Ty', 'Amy' and 'Kat', but she can't say Mark's name yet. He really wants her to, because she is having a hard time with thr 'r' sound.

The giigle of Sdyney filled the room, making it seem so happy in there. Mark loved to take breaks and watch her play with Chica, or bounce around on the couch.

I was editing a video, so was Kathryn. Tyler was sitting with Mark, looking at some sort of goofy website, and Amy was working on a design.

I lisened into Sydney. She wasa repeating 'r' over and over again. Mark noticed, too. He gave me a smile, she was trying soo hard!

"Ma..r..k.. Mark!!" Sydney jumped up and ran to Mark, giving him a big hug.

"You said my name!" She giggled as Mark tickeled her.

She jumped back down and went back to playing with Chica, and Mark came to me.

"How are you 20 and raising her so good?" He said, patting my back.

"I never thought I could raise her on my own, but it's just instint!"

You know what feels good? Getting complements on how you raise your child. And because I'm 20, it feels 100% better.

Hold My Hand, Little One~Ethan NestorWhere stories live. Discover now