The begining (RinxGumi side)

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Rin's POV

The school year was finally over, after long days and weeks of sleepless nights finishing assignments and studying. It was finally over for a good few months. I was hoping to have an uneventful and calm summer; nothing to worry about and nothing putting strain on me. I was hoping for that, 'hoping' but no, Because of a very close friend of mine, nothing's so far going smoothly. Her name is Miku she, is one year older than me and owns a night club in the town area that we live in. She likes to think it's not a night club and a 'very extreme chill bar' but really what even is that? I sighed as I lent back in the chair I was sat on and stared at the ceiling just condoning my wandering thoughts until I heard a loud bang from downstairs.

I sprinted down the steps to find Miku and about 69 books with papers falling out lying around her, she rubbed her head and looked up in my direction.
"Eheheh hi Rinny!' I rolled my eyes at the nickname and started picking up some of the papers on the floor. I was expecting them to be old school books but most of them were blank raising my suspicions as normal around her.

"Miku, can you tell me why you were carrying around all these blank books and papers?" She stood up and dusted her way too short skirt until all the papers piled on her fell to the floor.
"Oh umm well you see I was going to uhh..." she trailed off like she honestly had no idea why she was carrying them.
"Well what ever you were doing shouldn't you be at your night club by now? It's already 08:30" she gasped and looked at the digital clock to the right of her. She pulled all the papers together and set them on the table next to us.
"Rinny I have favour to ask..." she had her hands on the table and her head facing the floor like she was going to ask me something she'd regret, I already knew, from that stance she was in, exactly what she was going to ask me.
"I need you to help out at the-" "No." was what I simply replied with as I started to walk back up the stairs. Until she grabbed my wrist in attempt to pull me back.

"Nooo don't leave I really need your help!! please Rinny!?" I shook my head and tried to get my hand out her grip but she wasn't going to let go any time soon. "Miku I'm 16 and I don't know if you know but 16 is under the age limit for drinking, and actually so is 17 but I'm not prepared to pretend I'm 18 just so I'm okay so work at a club!"
I once again tried to rip my hand from her but once again failing due to her scarily strong iron grip.
"You don't have to drink! It's just a lot of the staff are ill and some quit for like no reason, and I can't really rely on anyone but you too make sure no one dies when I'm in a different area" she pulled my hand to her chest and put rested her head in my shoulder. "Rinny please!!??" She kept saying over and over, enough to make me go insane.

"FINE!" I angrily shouted hoping she'd let go of me, he grip did fade so I could yank my hand from her. "But your going to be the means of getting me there and back, and you can't drink anything more thank one glass of a drink you want" she looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and started to pled I let her have more than that.
"Do you want my help or not?" I said simply.
"Yes!" She eagerly replied
"Then one drink" I help up one finger In front of her face.
"Agh fine! Anyway" she threw herself on me and started hugging me as tight as humanly possible. "Thank you!!!" She chanted over and over. "Oh and also it is Saturday so be ready to slap people if they try anything, but you could also look on the bright side right?" I held a serious face to her and tilted my head showing I had no idea what she meant.
"You could finally find yourself a girlfriend!!!" She chimed as she ran to one end of the room to grab her purse.
I slightly flushed at her comment and looked to the ground.

"H-how did you know I like... I-I mean! Where did you get the idea I l-like girls?" I slowly got quieter as I spoke.
"Because I catch you looking at my ass all the time" I made a choking noise and couldn't stop stuttering random words.
"I-I d-don't ehh w-what I-I have n-never l-looked a-at you in t-that way" I could hardly speak, I don't even know why I knew she was joking because I know I haven't ever had those feeling for Miku.
"Rin I'm just teasing but, it's obvious, I have a great joke about you and your brother but I think you'd cry if I told you so you can work towards it"
"E-eh wait a minute!-" "okay lets go!" She grabbed her car keys from the side and linked our arms as she dragged me out the apartment.

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