Chapter Two

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Jake's pov:

"Son, It's been a thousand years, and if they don't show up soon they will be breaking their deal, and then you can say goodbye to your precious beloved peytn," Jake's father growled yelling at him from across the room. "Dad they will be here," I said rising from my seat and then all of the sudden I hear a doorbell ring, " I'll get it!" yelled my lovely hot girlfriend. " I'm going out you're giving me a headache" I spoke while walking out towards the back door.

Two hours later I returned, and I see Alex laying down on the bed looking sexy as ever as I go and take a quick shower asking her to join me.

Alex was telling me that my family had arrived today and that they were something for sure.

"Family?" I spoke confused because all my family was already at the house for the party tomorrow. "Uh ya, they said their names were Peytn and Kat I believe it was" she laughed while laying back into bed. I instantly went still, hearing her name sent chills down my spine, a million things running through my head, could it be, are they here, why couldn't she have stayed away.

I felt her kissing my neck, then my jaw, and my lips, I finally snapped out of it, and I grabbed her hips and started kissing her aggressively.

Hours later Alex and I are laying in bed, I watched her crawl towards me and plant a kiss on my bare chest"I love you"she whispered, I smiled "I love you too Alex" While saying that I see her close her eyes "Alex" "ya babe" she murmured back.

"Can you in the morning wake them up at 4:45 A.M so we can get breakfast and start the day, afterwards can u take Kat shopping? I need to speak to Peytn alone" I feel her nod and shortly after I hear her soft cute snores. I chuckle to my self while closing my eyes dosing off.

Peytn's pov:

Why is he with her? Who is she? A million questions going through my head while i stare at this beautiful woman who's overly hanging on to jake. " So Jake never metion you guys before, Can i ask why?" The beautiful girl said while sitting down, we follow suit and sit as well, as i look over to kat i whisper" Hey if this doesn't go well, we can just leave. It doesnt look like he's going to hold up his end of the deal anyways" she just huffs at me. " I don't know you and why are hanging on him like someone is gonna come and kill you" kat says pointing daggers at this lady.

I start giggling trying to hold in the laughter. " ENOUGH!" Jake barks at us. I look down ashamed. " You will show respect in my home. In our home" as he said those words he looked at this woman and grabbed her hand, my eyes shot up and locked eyes with him. "When? Why?" I whisper knowing fully well only him and kat can hear me.

"Alex why dont you and kat go shopping now hears my card, be back before dark" Jake said standing up handing this woman apparently Alex was her name a black card and giving her a kiss on the lips before going to his office. " Peytn it's time to have that discussion now ".


"HOW COULD YOU, YOU KNOW THE DEAL WE MADE. YOU CAN'T JUST GO BACK ON YOU'RE DEAL." I was fuming once he closed the doors. I couldn't believe him, I need him and hes just going dishonor our deal. I was beyond pissed.

"Peytn please calm down, so much time as passed that I couldn't wait any longer. I need a queen. I need someone to bare my heirs now. I couldn't wait any longer for you to show up."

I watched him take a sip of water while he continued " Our deal still stands peytn" "HOW" I screamed cutting him off, you could basically see the fumes coming off me.

I looked into his eyes they looked tired.

" Peytn please let me finish,the deal will still stand, you will now bare my heir which will rule and lead our nation but you will now wed my next in command."

I look down, I let a tear slip. I hear him walk closer to me. He lifts my chin up to look up at him."Peytn You know only our heir will be what saves us all but I can't be with you. All you will do is bare my heir " I let a tear slip as he finishes.

" Fine, Once I bare you're heir. You will leave me and kat alone. Once I wed you're next in command. I want you to find kat a suiter." "Fine, if that will make you happy" I look into his eyes " Jake none of this will make me happy. I dont want another man. I want you. I will always want you. But I understand our circumstances" I finished saying as I let my tears slide down my face looking into his eyes.

Jake touches my cheek, he keeps looking from eyes to my lips he smashes his lips to mine, I freeze up but I finally unfreeze and our lips move like magic.

The next thing I know our clothes are off as he's kissing up to my neck to my lips, I pull away "Stop, we can't. You're with Alex now. All I am to you now is the woman who will bare our child who will save us all. We cant do this. I can't do this with you if I am to wed you're next command. We will do this right"

Jake's jaw clenched, putting his clothes back on " yeah ok, you're right I made my bed. Now I must lie in it. I'm sorry. I um. Tomorrow you will meet my next in command." I finished putting on my clothes when he finishes talking.

" um ya ok. Erm I'm just going to go now. Just um ya. I'll be here tomorrow to meet him. I'm just gonna go now" I ramble on going out the door. I run up to my room and slam the door shut. I rush to the shower to wash him off of me. To wash the day away.

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