His Next Cammand

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Nathan's Pov:

"Nate, Peytn is here" My eyes widened, "she actually came back" I looked over to Jake, you could see how exhausted he was,lately it's been getting harder, our enemy's are starting to not be afraid anymore they can see how weak he is without his queen. His rightful queen by his side.

"It's not like she really had a choice Nate, but I wish she would have just stayed away" Jake starts rubbing his face, "You're gonna hate me for this,but I can't risk her getting hurt. So starting as soon as possible she will get pregnant with my heir and you will wed Peytn and you will go to the office and run things from there."

Shocked was an understatement right now on how I was feeling from what he said, his words finally registered in my head, He's just going to be using her and throwing her away to me.

"Why" is all I Could say with my jaw clenched.

Jake notice's and signs, " You're my next in command, you will not disobey me or question me. It's final Nathaniel, I'm sending her things over as we speak she will be there later tonight. Ok" he just signs again turning away from me.

" I can't protect her while she's with me Nate, you know our heir is what's going to save us all." He stops for a moment and continues, " She's the love of my life that I wished would have stayed away for herself, our enemies cannot know about her and what she is. She needs to be safe and the only way I know how to keep her safe is with you. I trust you Nate please don't make me regret it"

I just looked at Jake and nodded " You wont, We will leave as soon as she gives birth to the heir" while walking out.

Peytn doesn't deserve any of this she is very special, She's a hybrid being half vampire, half wolf, and half witch. She could be our savior or our worst nightmare. Nobody's really told her about why shes so important, all she knows is shes powerful and her child with save us all.

I came home to peytn standing near my door, I smiled " You lost" i said laughing, "Nate" she says with a smile giving me a hug, " it's been to long Nathaniel" she whispers against my chest and chills went down my spine as she said my name, anytime she was around she would always cause sparks around us. I knew I was her protector which is why we have more of a special bound then anyone else.

" I can't believe this Nate, I cant fucking believe I'm just going to be damn incubator to him while he's over there slutting it up with Alex" you could her the venom in Peytns voice when she said her name.

I sighed, grabbing a class of water " Peytn it's for you're own protection, do not fight us on it, end of story" I started walking away when I felt her hand on my arm. She softly whispered " I'm not weak " then she walked away and disappeared, I didn't see for the rest of the night.

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