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Another day. I get up and go get ready for school. My school is so boring, unlike my lucky brother. Well, I guess he is the one with all the talent. He is awesome, and he goes to HollyWood Arts. I am useless, so I go to Northridge. Everyone always talks about how they have the talent to get in, but whenever I say I think I do, they laugh, and walk away and tell everyone. Most people don't actually move to HollyWood Arts, but about 1 1/2 years ago, a girl called Tori Vega moved there. She is one of my brothers best friends, and he often goes to her house with everyone. I have realised over the past months, that the only people who actually like me, or at least closest to liking me, are my brothers friends; Cat, Tori, Andrè, Robbie, and Becks girlfriend Jade. He weird thing is, Jade is almost nice to me, but apparently she is unbelievably rude and mean to literally everyone. Even the people she hangs out with. So, I guess I have one lucky thing in my life. "Hey, Maisie!" Beck called coming into my room, smiling. "Hey." I looked down. "What's up? Oh and by the way you've missed the bus. Do you want me to drive you?" He offered. I nodded. "Yes please." "Ok. I'm leaving in ten. Be quick!" He said, walking out the door to finish getting ready in his RV. I'm so envious that he is allowed to not sleep in the house. Every night I cry myself to sleep, listening to my parents have steaming matches, and once when I went down to get water, my dad pinned my mum up against the wall, and was repeatedly slapping and punching her. I had run beck upstairs to escape it in fear he would do the same to me. It isn't just them they call each other horrible names, also me. Sometimes Beck, but always me. That, was the first time I ever drew a blade across my skin. I will never forget that night. It will haunt me forever. Last night was no different.

By the time I escaped from my thoughts, I realised I had 5 minutes. I shot up and out of bed, getting my clothes on faster that lightening, and multitask by brushing my teeth and hair as fast as I could. I ran downstairs, just as Beck was getting into his car. I got in with him, and he drove me to school. I got out. "Thanks." I said emotionlessly. "No problem. Do you want me to pick you up or do you wanna get the bus?" He asked. No way am I getting the bus. I'd rather walk, unless I could get a ride. "Yeah. Please." "Ok. Half three, right?" "Ok." And with that, I walked off.

"Hey! Oliver!" Someone yelled at me. I kept on walking. "Hey! Answer me!" I put my head down. Then I felt someone pushing me backwards. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" I looked up, and saw the person was Maiya. School queen. Cheerleader captain. Annoying bitch. "No, sorry, but looking at you makes me wanna be sick." I put my head down again, and tried to get past. "Gosh, Maisie! Maybe you should stop looking in a mirror. And haven't your mum or dad ever told you to not be so negative about yourself? My parents told me not to together, holding hands, being all lovey dovey. But you wouldn't know what it's like to have parents who love each other...would yo now?" She mocked. "Will you just shut up!" I said barging past her and her large entourage of bitches. "Whatever, Oliver. You're right, I shouldn't be wasting my time on pathetic little shits like you anyway. Seeya!" She said in her sugar coated voice. She really pisses me off sometimes.

~~~Time skip to end of school day~~~

It was finally the end of the day, and I was quietly waiting for Beck. I was daydreaming, when Maiya came up to me, with her boyfriend Nathan. He was dick. Just saying. "Hey! You're precious brother still not come for you yet? It is quarter to four, didn't I overhear him say he will be here at half past? You're so pathetic, he probably doesn't give a shit about you anyway. Who even would?" She teased me. "Shut up!" I yelled at her. She looked taken aback, and then she smirked at me. "Make me." By now we were being surrounded by many students. "Fight!" Some idiot yelled. Then the whole Croydon started chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Oh crap. I was not going to win this fight. "Ok! Ok! Everyone, calm down! Nath, babe, come fight this wimp with me!" Maiya called. Nathan shrugged. "Ok." The next thing I know, I had a punch thrown at me. Did I mention, Nathan is like, the biggest jock in the whole school? No? Well, he is. I was repeatedly getting hurt, and I was now too weak to do anything to stop it. I heard a car pull up in the car park. "Hey!" Someone yelled. I got kicked in my jaw, I collapsed to the floor, and let out a loud scream. I started crying uncontrollably, until someone picked me up. "Don't you have anything better to do in your fucking lives?!" He yelled. Everyone scurried away. "Are you ok?" The person asked. I opened my eyes a little to see who it was, and saw my brother, looking at me with concern. "N-no!" I choked out. He placed a kiss on my forehead, and carried me to his car. I suddenly felt insecure about my weight. I felt bad because he had to carry a fat lump like me. "Beck, it's ok. I can walk." He put me down, and I stumbled about. Maybe I couldn't walk, but he still wasn't carrying me. I was about to fall, when he grabbed me by the waist. "Whoa there, princess. Don't worry, I'll carry you. It's no big deal." He tried to reason with me. I shook my head furiously. He sighed. "Ok. But please, at least let me give you support." I still didn't want to do that, but I could see Beck was desperately trying to help, so I nodded my head, and slightly leaned on him, but sill trying to take my own weight. We got into the school and he started the engine. "I don't want to go back there tomorrow." I whispered. He placed his hand on my knee, and rubbed it. "Don't worry. You're never going back."

Word Count: 1113

Hey guys it's Hannah and I recently became a fan of the Nickelodeon show Victorious!

Seeya soon
-Hannah xx

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